
Results 26 issues of Gagandeep1408

Can we generate bar code?


class 'Lio/agora/rtc/internal/RtcEngineImpl;' cl=0x12f00958 -----

../../../.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Undefined name 'AudioFileRecordingType'. AudioFileRecordingType.audioFileRecordingPlayback: 2,


getting error while installing iOS build[](url) ![image_2023_02_06T10_42_16_491Z (1)](

how I can get that voip notification is received.

Function not working whenever receive voip call notification.

How I can set call type like incoming call is audio/video

Whenever I received call notification and swipe right then notification gone. Can I restrict and disable right/left swipe on call notification?

curl -v \ -d '{"aps":{"alert":"Hien Nguyen Call"},"id":"44d915e1-5ff4-4bed-bf13-c423048ec97a","nameCaller":"Hien Nguyen","handle":"0123456789","isVideo":true}' \ -H "apns-topic: com.hiennv.testing.voip" \ -H "apns-push-type: voip" \ --http2 \ --cert Certificates.pem:'' \ Error: curl: (58) could not load PEM...

Dart Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method map#update on channel, stack trace: #0 MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:154:7) E/flutter (13523):