Gabriel Majeri

Results 61 comments of Gabriel Majeri

> @GabrielMajeri did you see [sotrh/learn-wgpu]( Just took a quick look at it, looks like a good resource! And with more contributions it could be expaned to cover the whole...

This is quite an undertaking, but would definitely boost our progress of porting the whole UEFI API significantly!

Hello! You might want to look into navigating the EFI Configuration Table structure, accessible with [the `.config_table()` method]( on the `SystemTable`. It provides access to a list of descriptors of...

> It's similar in its usefulness to the bitflags! macro, and it's a shame I have to copy it to my code from here instead of using a crate. Agreed!...

Would having some assertions for each such respective function ensure safety?

@kotauskas the idea with `&mut [MaybeUninit]` could work. The one with `&mut [MaybeUninit]` wouldn't necessarily, since the `memory_map` API doesn't guarantee the returned memory descriptors are contiguous / occupy a...

Looks great! > I'm not quite ready to put up a PR yet, and it might end up being split over a few PRs anyway so figure'd I'd go ahead...

Hello. Does the linker or compiler give you any error output which might suggest as to what is going wrong? Note that we've only developed and tested this crate until...

Hmm, that's weird. Do you at least see some linker processes starting and running in the background? Is your CPU being used, or is the linker stuck without actually doing...

Considering most applications use very few UEFI services (just enough to get the kernel to boot), would the benefits of async support outweight the costs? In other words, is there...