redundans copied to clipboard
new features
- [x] estimate read limit
- [x] refine insert size estimation for each iteration
- [x] include optional genome assembly step, is it really needed?
- [x] include
option - installator (to assist less experienced users)
- [x] UNIX installer
- [x] Docker image
- [x] Alpine Linux: strip numpy and biopython
- [ ] official conda package #27 unofficial one
- [ ] approximate aligner ie minimap #60
- [x] sorting .psl files in memory
- [x] memory-optimised
- [x] better similarity search algorithm ie. LAST
- [ ] include depth of coverage
- [ ] calculate insert size on major orientation only
- Features
- [x] Support for long reads (PacBio, Nanopore)
- [x] Logging to file
- [x] FastaIndex
- [ ] report removed contigs
- Exceptions
- [x] check LAST version
- [ ] no read aligned due to very fragmented assembly
- Long-read scaffolding
- [ ] production version of pyScaf #51
- [ ] excessive gaps when scaffolding pacbio reads
- Code
- [ ] Python3
- [ ] remove nonsense #81
- [ ] make sure single TMP is used across the pipeline #81
- Output
- [ ] gfa support (low priority) #72
automatically estimate read limit setting using homozygous assembly size after reduction and assuming let's say 50bp reads
Is there any plan to fix the excessive gaps when scaffolding pacbio reads
? I couldn't get redundans to gap close with the long reads, and ended up running MASURCA's samba
with my long reads in order to get the gaps closed. It took me a while to find the right tool to do this (had problems running other gap filling tools like Gapless, GAPPadder, and MindTheGap, none of which were satisfactory). Putting a note here in case it helps others.
hi, we decided to focus redundans on short-read technologies, so we won't be adding any long-read related features in the future.