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lathe gives small piles of dust
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Your Proposal
make lathe give 2 rods instead of 1 rod and 2 small piles of dust
Your Goal
yeeting small piles
Your Vision
small piles bad
Final Checklist
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- [X] I believe this feature would make the pack better.
The Extruder gives two rods.
The Extruder gives two rods.
You missed the point.
nobody will use lathe for rods massively
no I dont think that missed the point. the extruder is supposed to be an upgrade that you only get one tier later.
However why not let it make 1 rod and 50% chance for a full dust.
The whole point of the lathe giving two small dusts is to give you an incentive to upgrade to the Extruder.
It is still used for some rods even later because some stuff can't be extruded like quartz.
Except Quartz and Certus Quartz. I think these 2 should still be addressed, like Charged Certus Quartz.
The Extruder gives two rods.
You missed the point.
either way not many ppl use the lathe for rods anyways bcuz of the speed like for example u put a red alloy ingot in the lathe thats gonna take 100 secs to process and the same happens with almost all the mats and either way a mv extruder isent that hard to make or isent that hard to reach just gotta complete lv which is not too hard
This is about yeeting the small piles not difficulty.
If its just about yeeting small piles then a chance based solution does that. Same as everywhere else.
Making lenses from plates also give a small pile.
The better solution would be a 50% chance to get back a full dust.
In fact, the lens recipes could apply the same principle as well.
I think small pile is acceptable in this recipe, this is not the same thing as ore treatment
I don't think removing tiny dusts needs to be taken to the extreme, this recipe is very early game and as such a non-issue lag wise. Tiny piles were rightfully yeeted from ores because it was a pointless laggy drop that had to be processed twice but here it serves a purpose, to incentivise upgrading to an extruder.
Yeet them completely
what about 2 ingots = 2 rods + a full dust?
what about 2 ingots = 2 rods + a full dust?
This would give the same result cost-wise for rods, but in the case of lenses won't work, as lenses are way more expensive to make with exquisite(or flawless, not sure atm) gem recipes.
just make it take 2 exquisite to give the dust or you buff it so the exquisite gives two lenses
The thing is getting 2 exquisites is pita at a low level, and u do not need 2 lenses of the same type, also u do not need dust back in most cases, so I'd just make it 1 gem -> 1 lens + 50% dust, as dust doesn't matter in case of gems.
One thing to consider when adding random chance to a material transformation recipe is that a very appealing part of gregtech's processing is that it is generally lossless, if you do it right. Made too many rods? That's fine, you can pulverize them and use the dust you got from the lathe to get back all of the ingots you started with. Just requires time and energy to undo small mistakes.
If this changes to random chance, I can see people being very annoyed at their precious materials being lost to this process.
On, most LV lens recipes consume one exquisite gem and produce 1 lens and 2 full dusts. The only exception is the glass and diamond lenses recipe; one plate yields 1 lens and 1 small dust, and one exquisite gem yields 3 lenses and 1 full dust. At MV all recipes take one plate and yield 1 lens and 1 small dust.
I'm at HV and I made only a handful of lenses so far, compared to the thousands of rods lathed from ingots. Maybe this changes with higher tiers, but it seems that simply applying boubou's 2 ingots -> 2 rods + 1 full dust
idea and leaving the lenses unchanged would work.
Alternatively, as lathes and PLEs both have the ghost circuit slot, they could be used to choose between 1 ingot -> 1 rod + 2 small dust
and 2 ingots -> 2 rods + 1 full dust
, and same for lenses.
This completely screws the earlygame gating of efficient material production. If this were to go through it'd probably have to be done by giving a single rod and no dusts, but even then, that removes the purpose to make a lathe earlygame. The lathe produces rods to the same ratio as an extruder, it just makes one and returns remaining materials.
no I dont think that missed the point. the extruder is supposed to be an upgrade that you only get one tier later.
However why not let it make 1 rod and 50% chance for a full dust.
That would result in the creation of a rod from nothing
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