gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect copied to clipboard
Ring facility in Android Phone increases the system's volume
ATTENTION: GSConnect only supports the latest, stable version of GNOME. We are no longer accepting bug reports for previous versions.
Describe the bug
Terms: Phone -> An android (12) phone having KDE Connect PC -> Personal computer running Ubuntu 22.04 LTE
I have tried ringing the PC from my phone. This features works fine and rings the PC. But at the same time, I have my PC playing music (say the volume is at 25%). When I ring, all the volumes (system, media, notifications) increase to 100%, which may be harmful when using Headphones or similar accessories.
Steps To Reproduce: In PC,
- Play some music set at 25% (or anything less than 100%)
In Phone (when connected on same network as the PC), 1.Open the KDE Connect app 2. Goto three dots on right top corner ':' 3. Click on the "Ring" button 4. Observer the sound output from PC 5. See/observe the error
Expected behavior
When ringed, only the ringing volume should be at maximum volume while other sounds can be at their initial set volumes.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. You can drag-and-drop or cut-and-paste images directly into this edit window, to include them in your report.
(Not required)
Support Log
Please generate a support log (Instructions) and paste any messages related to this issue between the two ``` lines below.
(Not required)
System Details (please complete the following information):
- **GSConnect version: 53
- **Installed from: GNOME Extensions Website
- **GNOME/Shell version: 3.36.9
- **Distro/Release:Ubuntu 22.04
GSConnect environment (if applicable):
- **Paired Device(s):OnePlus 8T
- **KDE Connect app version: 1.19.1
- Plugin(s): [if the issue only occurs when using certain plugin(s)]
Additional Notes:
Add any additional information about the problem or your system.
Thanks for reporting!
What volume would you suggest we set the mixer to? Should we just leave it as is?
Two cases: I) Leave the mixer as it is II) Pause all the playbacks and resume once the ringer is stopped (similar to when a phone call is received)
Anything of the above two should be fine i guess.