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Implement Routes from design
User Story
In order to have an app which facilitates the creation, updating, reading, and deleting of records in our harvest database,datagov wants take the outcome from our route design session and implement them in our existing flask app.
- Planning documentation:
- Flask app route documentation:
Acceptance Criteria
[ACs should be clearly demoable/verifiable whenever possible. Try specifying them using BDD.]
- [ ] GIVEN a route design session has been completed
AND a list of routes have been decided to be implemented
AND the business logic of the routes are complete WHEN a given route is interacted with
THEN the response reflects the business logic.
parent ticket #4634 deleted route in flask app #4644
Security Considerations (required)
[Any security concerns that might be implicated in the change. "None" is OK, just be explicit here!]
- [ ] get a route from the list and add it to the flask app
- [ ] update the db interface as necessary