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Question about the speed.
In the paper 《Objects as Points》,the running time is tested ona machine with Intel Core i7-8086K CPU, Titan Xp GPU, Pytorch 0.4.1, CUDA 9.0,and CUDNN 7.1 It gets 39.2 mAP at 28FPS with flip test, In your paper, you annotated V100 as the same result with Titan Xp, (28 (V100) 39.2 57.1 42.8 19.9 43.0 51.4), The perfirmance of Tesla V100 is much better than Titan Xp. I am confused about the test speed.
Oh...yes, you are right, it's my fault. Thank you for pointing out the error, I will fix this error in the paper, and I may also run their code to test the speed. Thanks!!