Are there any news on this one? My goal was to have pg_cron as a migration but this is not viable either. What is the best way to do it...
I'm quite unsure about how this should work and would like a second opinion. Right now ALL the text turns red when you pass the amount of chars specified, but...
Totally agree, I think it can be really simple like I have in `zsh` where the commit message starts getting red characters when you pass 72 chars.
I can create a PR for this later since I already have made the commit on my `fork`, people interested can check the changes here: - https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/compare/master...GMkonan:commit-message-length-warning
I think creating groups as chapters are a great Idea too, since I see this app as a way of mimicking a setup where you would have physical notebooks.
My team has the exact same need, is this idea going anywhere? For now, our approach has being adding `ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING` to every insert in seeds.
Are there any issues or PR's related to this? Scanning through the docs and other issues, I didn't find anything. I want to be able to put this on my...
Is this still being worked on? I saw a couple of PR's but all of them were closed. I saw @maxdeviant saying that you are not using JSON schemas to...