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Hello, I am testing to replace jbrowse with mouse data, but the tbi of the mouse gff3 file is always wrong here. I don't know what is wrong. I would like to ask you about the index. Do you have any mouse data to provide? ? thanks
Hello, I am testing to replace jbrowse with mouse data, but the tbi of the mouse gff3 file is always wrong here. I don't know what is wrong. I would like to ask you about the index. Do you have any mouse data to provide? ? thanks
The data I use is the ensemble version, and my error is: Error: problem decompressing block: incorrect gzip header check Is my decompression method wrong?
Generally to prepare a GFF3 tabix file you can use
gt gff3 -sortlines -tidy -retainids file.gff > file.sort.gff
bgzip file.sort.gff
tabix file.sort.gff.gz
then put both file.sort.gff.gz and file.sort.gff.gz.tbi in your data directory
Then make in your config file
If it continues to have issues, you might have issues with your server. JBrowse does NOT like the server to return the HTTP header "Content-Encoding: gzip" for tabix files.
Xref similar thread and FAQ https://github.com/GMOD/jbrowse/issues/1512
One possible way to fix could be to give your files a random extension if your server is doing this based on file extension e.g.
mv file.sort.gff.gz file.sort.gff.blah
mv file.sort.gff.gz.tbi file.sort.gff.blah.tbi
Thanks, I have solved the problem, thanks a lot
Great :) if you did anything different to solve feel free to post how, definitely this is an issue that comes up fairly frequently
Hello, it is solved by the method you said, but I use GUN for sorting (grep ^"#" data/volvox.gff3; grep -v ^"#" data/volvox.gff3 | grep -v "^$" | grep "\t" | sort -k1,1 -k4,4n) > data/volvox.sorted.gff3
excellent, good to know!
Is jbrowse incompatible with vue, why can't my project start when I put it in vue?
jbrowse 1 can be a little awkward to put into a react/vue app. I demonstrated using jbrowse 1 here in a react app which might be somewhat similar to vue https://github.com/cmdcolin/jbrowse_in_react_app
also, you can consider jbrowse 2. a user demonstrated how to use it in a vue app here https://github.com/GMOD/jbrowse-components/discussions/2930
ok, i'll try, i'm a newbie and i'm using JBROWSE2 too
thanks very much
hello,I used the code of this vue, but he kept reporting such an error. I tried many solutions, but I couldn't solve it. I would like to know how the people who used it successfully in vue at that time solved this problem?
my error: Module parse failed: Unexpected token (131:21) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. | } | return depths.map(d => { | return { ...d, score: (d.score * stats.lineCount) / totalSize }; | }); | }