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adding a build environment dockerfile for jbrowse
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The image created from this dockerfile is intended to be a parent image for a JBrowse docker file, so that the author of a jbrowse docker file doesn't have to futz with doing this themselves. An example implementation of a JBrowse dockerfile will be forthcoming when this is available on docker hub.
(edited to change "base image" to "parent image"--I had the terminology wrong)
I nice side effect of having this docker file around is that it also serves as concise documentation of what is needed in a Debian-based environment for building JBrowse.
What happens after this PR is merged? It needs to be published still?
My understanding is also somewhat rudimentary, but what I think happens is that I have to build an image and then do a push of the image to docker hub. The reality is that this pull request doesn't really do much, other than provide documentation "describing" what we're putting on docker hub.