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Bash framework to write bash applications, including argument parser and automated help pages.

Bashop Build Status

Bashop is a bash framework which makes your life easier if you want to write a bash application. It comes with the following features:

  • Argument parser based on
  • Mostly all is implemented expect the stacking of short options and the | operator for options.
  • In addition there is an option to mark options repeatable with --all....
  • Automated help pages
  • Done in pure bash, no grep, sed etc. used.


  • [ ] Maximize compatibility (here your help is appreciated)
  • [ ] Auto completion for commands

Already tested environments

  • Ubuntu 14.04 - bash 4.3.11
  • Fedora 20, Fedora 21 - bash 4.2.47 and fishshell 2.1.0

The argument parser

The argument parser returns an associative array with the parameters and the options as key. Repeatable options or arguments are defined by args[NAME,#] for the number of elements and args[NAME,0] for the elements itself. If an option has a short and a long option name the key is the long option name. See the exampleapp for more information.

Global variables

  • args This is the most important global variable, which is set from the parser.
  • BASHOP_ROOT The dir where bashop is stored.
  • BASHOP_APP_ROOT The dir where the app is stored.
  • BASHOP_APP_COMMAND_ROOT The dir where the app command scripts are stored.
  • BASHOP_CONFIG_FILE If set the config will be written to the file. In addition if the file exists bashop will always load the variables to the BASHOP_CONFIG array.
  • BASHOP_CONFIG The bashop config array.

All other global options which start with a _ should be not used. They are for internal stuff.

HowTo use it

Suggested folder structure

  • src
  • commands
  • yourapp
  • vendor
  • bashop

The commands folder holds all commands. yourapp is the main app file.

The app file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
bashop::init() {
  bashop::printer::info "init";

bashop::destroy() {
  bashop::printer::info "destroy";

source "../vendor/bashop/"

The file must source the bashop file. The functions bashop::init (is executed at the startup) and bashop::destroy (is executed at the before shutdown) are optional.

The command file

#?d The example command
#?c --coption -z <name> <version> [<extra>...]
#?o -a  Short option
#?o -b --boption  Short and long option.
#?o -r..., --roption...  A repeatable option with shortcut.
#?o -x... <arg>, --xoption...=<arg>  A repeatable option with requrired argument.
#?o -y... <arg>, --yoption...=<arg>  A repeatable option with requrired argument [default: test].

bashop::run_command() {
  bashop::printer::info "Command"

The #?d comment describes the command itself and is parsed for the help page. The #?c comment is parsed by the argument parser and defines the command parameters, it's also used for the help. The #?o comment is parsed by the argument parser and defines the command options, it's also used for the help.

Build in option

  • -v, --verbose Used for verbose output. Add the bashop::printer::verbose function to your app.
  • -h, --help Shows the help.

Public functions

  • bashop::utils::isset
  • bashop::utils::contains_element
  • bashop::utils::key_exists
  • bashop::utils::is_option
  • bashop::utils::function_exists
  • bashop::utils::string_repeat
  • bashop::utils::min_string_length
  • bashop::utils::max_string_length
  • bashop::utils::string_length
  • bashop::utils::check_version
  • bashop::printer::echo
  • bashop::printer::info
  • bashop::printer::user
  • bashop::printer::success
  • bashop::printer::error
  • bashop::printer::verbose
  • bashop::printer::help_formatter
  • bashop::config::parse
  • bashop::config::write
  • bashop::config::read_var_from_user

All functions which start with an __ double dash for example _bashop::printer::_framework_error are for internal stuff and should not use by your application.


Don't let the name of your app functions start with bashop:: and don't let your global variable names start with BASHOP or _BASHOP. No there is no way, expect you want to break something. :)

Coding conventions

The coding conventions which are (mostly) used are: Extensions related to the document above are using __ for internal functions, which should not used by your application.


  • Fork the project
  • Make your changes
  • Check if you keep the coding conventions, all tests are ok and add new test / adjust the existing tests for your changes
  • Create a pull request


Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.