openelevationservice icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
openelevationservice copied to clipboard

:sunrise_over_mountains: A GeoJSON based service to query SRTM elevation for points/lines.

.. image:: :target: :alt: Build status

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status



openelevationservice is a Flask application which extracts elevation from various elevation datasets for Point or LineString 2D geometries and returns 3D geometries in various formats.

Supported formats are:

  • GeoJSON
  • Polyline, i.e. list of vertices
  • Google's encoded polyline_
  • Point, i.e. one vertex

For general support and questions, please contact our forum_. After successful installation, you can also find a API documentation locally at https://localhost:5000/apidocs, provided via flasgger_.

For issues and improvement suggestions, use the repo's issue tracker_.

This service is part of the GIScience_ software stack, crafted at HeiGIT institute_ at the University of Heidelberg.

You can also use our free API_ via (also check Endpoints_ for usage):


.. _GIScience: .. _HeiGIT institute: .. _SRTM v4.1: .. _encoded polyline: .. _forum: .. _issue tracker: .. _flasgger: .. _free API:


You can either run this service on a host machine (like your PC) in a virtual environment or via docker (recommended).

Docker installation ####################################################

Prerequisites ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  • Docker
  • PostGIS installation (recommended Kartoza's docker_)

Run Docker container ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  1. Customize ops_settings_docker.sample.yml to your needs and name it ops_settings_docker.yml

  2. Build container sudo docker-compose up -d

  3. Create the database

.. code-block:: bash

sudo docker exec -it <container ID> bash -c "source /oes_venv/bin/activate; export OES_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG; flask create"
  1. Download SRTM data

.. code-block:: bash

sudo docker exec -it <container ID> bash -c "source /oes_venv/bin/activate; export OES_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG; flask download --xyrange=0,0,73,25"

The optional xyrange parameter specfies the minx,miny,maxx,maxy indices of the available tiles, default is 0,0,73,25. You can see a representation of indices in the map on the CGIAR website_.

Note, that you need to have credentials to access the FTP site_ , which you can request here_.

  1. Import SRTM data

.. code-block:: bash

sudo docker exec  -it <container ID> bash -c "source /oes_venv/bin/activate; flask importdata"

The import command will import whatever .tif files it finds in ./tiles. Now, it's time to grab a coffee, this might take a while. Expect a few hours for a remote database connection with HDD's and the global dataset.

After it's all finished, the service will listen on port 5020 of your host machine, unless specified differently in docker-compose.yml.

.. _Kartoza's docker: .. _here: .. _FTP site: .. _CGIAR website:

Conventional installation ####################################################

This tutorial assumes a Ubuntu system.

Max OSX should be similar, if not the same. Windows is of course possible, but many of the commands will have to be altered.

Prerequisites ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • PostGIS installation on the host machine (solely needed for raster2pgsql)
  • (Optional) Remote PostGIS installation (if you want to use a different data server)

Create virtual environment +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

First, customize ./openelevationservice/server/ops_settings.sample.yml and name it ops_settings.yml.

Then you can set up the environment:

.. code-block:: bash

cd openelevationservice

Either via virtualenv, venv package or conda

python3.6 -m venv .venv


virtualenv python=python3.6 .venv


conda create -n oes python=3.6

Activate virtual env (or equivalent conda command)

source .venv/bin/activate

Add FLASK_APP environment variable

For conda, see here:

echo "export FLASK_APP=manage" >> .venv/bin/activate

Install required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

When your environment is set up, you can run the import process and start the server:

.. code-block:: bash

inside the repo root directory

flask create

rather as a background/nohup job, will download 27 GB

flask download --xyrange=0,0,73,25 flask importdata

Start the server

flask run

The service will now listen on ```http://localhost:5000``.


The default base url is http://localhost:5000/.

The openelevationservice exposes 2 endpoints:

  • /elevation/line: used for LineString geometries
  • /elevation/point: used for single Point geometries

+-----------------------+-------------------+------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Endpoint | Method(s) allowed | Parameter | Default | Values | +=======================+===================+============+=========+=========================================================+ | /elevation/line | POST | format_in | -- | geojson, polyline, encodedpolyline5, encodedpolyline6 | | | +------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | geometry | -- | depends on format_in | | | +------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | format_out | geojson | geojson, polyline, encodedpolyline5, encodedpolyline6 | | | +------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | dataset | srtm | srtm (so far) | +-----------------------+-------------------+------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | /elevation/point | GET, POST | format_in | -- | geojson, point | | | +------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | geometry | -- | depends on format_in | | | +------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | format_out | geojson | geojson, point | | | +------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | dataset | srtm | srtm (so far) | +-----------------------+-------------------+------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+

For more detailed information, please visit the API documentation_.

When hosted locally, visit https://localhost:5000/apidocs.

.. _API documentation: https://coming.soon

Environment variables ##########################################################

openelevationservice recognizes the following environment variables:

+-----------------+-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | variable | function | Default | Values | +=================+=========================================+=======================================================+=============================+ | OES_LOGLEVEL | Sets the level of logging output | INFO | DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | APP_SETTINGS | Controls the behavior of | openelevationservice.server.config.ProductionConfig | ProductionConfig, | | | | | | | | | | DevelopmentConfig | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | FLASK_APP | Sets the app | manage | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | FLASK_ENV | Development/Production server | development | production, development | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | TESTING | Sets flask testing environment | None | true | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+

In the case of the Docker setup, you don't need to worry about environment variables for the most part.

CLI ##########################################################

The flask command line interface has a few additional commands:

  • flask create: creates a table for CGIAR data
  • ```flask download --xyrange=0,73,0,25: downloads CGIAR data and limits the X, Y indices optionally with xyrange``
  • flask importdata: imports CGIAR tiles it finds in ./tiles/
  • flask drop: drops CGIAR table

Testing ########################################################

The testing framework is nosetests, which makes it very easy to run the tests:

.. code-block:: bash

TESTING=true nosetests -v


GET point #########################################################

.. code-block:: bash

curl -XGET https://localhost:5000/elevation/point?geometry=13.349762,38.11295

POST point as GeoJSON #########################################################

.. code-block:: bash

curl -XPOST http://localhost:5000/elevation/point
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{ "format_in": "geojson", "format_out": "geojson", "geometry": { "coordinates": [13.349762, 38.11295], "type": "Point" } }'

POST LineString as polyline #########################################################

.. code-block:: bash

curl -XPOST http://localhost:5000/elevation/line
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{ "format_in": "polyline", "format_out": "encodedpolyline", "geometry": [[13.349762, 38.11295], [12.638397, 37.645772]] }'