Leaflet.Heightgraph copied to clipboard
Error using the source bundle
The unminified Rollup bundle dist/L.Control.Heightgraph.js has the dependencies in global scope. The module wrapper only encloses the plugin itself.
Loading this source bundle directly leads to an error, see http://plnkr.co/edit/SZzWSpopCELzDcgu?preview (see Console):
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property top of #<Window> which has only a getter
at L.Control.Heightgraph.js:3993
Concatenating it with the BRouter-Web dependencies e.g. leads to a conflict with Turf.js, see #101 (comment).
The mininfied bundle dist/L.Control.Heightgraph.min.js works, as it is enclosed in an IIFE (immediately invoked function expression):
!function(){ ... }();
So it would be great if the source bundle could be enclosed in an IIFE as well or the module wrapper moved to the top.
@nrenner would you be able to raise a PR with this logic?
Hi, I can provide a PR on that.
I found conflicts on top and map() function.
of course, minimized file do not use those names and have no conflicts
PR is #109, just not merged yet.