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Repository for the Open Data for Resilience Index, a website to track and improve the state of Open Data for Resilience worldwide.
The Open Data for Resilience Index assesses the state of open data for disaster risk management across the globe. It provides a list of key datasets that are needed for reducing vulnerability and building resilience to natural hazards, and that should be made available as open data for any country. Anyone can contribute to the index by submitting information on a dataset.
The Open Data for Resilience Index is managed by the Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI). Together with other tools and initiatives such as ThinkHazard!, Geonode, Inasafe and the Understanding Risk community, it aims at improving risk information through better access to data.
In 2011, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) launched the Open Data for Resilience Initiative to apply the concepts of the global open data movement to the challenges of reducing vulnerability to natural hazards and the impacts of climate change. OpenDRI supports World Bank Regional Disaster Risk Management Teams to build capacity and long-term ownership of open data projects with client countries that are tailored to meet specific needs and goals of stakeholders.
The Open Data for Resilience Index has been developed and is being maintained in partnership with CIMA Foundation, Global Earthquake Model and Deltares. The Open Data for Resilience Index is inspired by the Open Data Index of Open Knowledge and the Open Data Barometer of the Web Foundation. It applies the idea of tracking and assessing open data to the Disaster Risk Management sector.
Licenses and terms of use
The Open Data for Resilience Index is available under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, 29 June 2007 and the source code is available on Github. Unless specified, data and texts of the website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 License (CC-BY-SA 4.0). Homepage picture: Kofu, Japan, by Joseph Chan available on Unsplash under an open license.
Information available on the Open Data for Resilience Index is collected through a crowdsourced effort by registered users and then reviewed by a team of Disaster Risk Management and Open Data specialists. Although it aims to provide accurate and up to date information, the Open Data for Resilience Index cannot guarantee the accuracy and freshness of all information related to key datasets available on the website.