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Hotkey in HTML
Is there a way to have the Hotkey Object from AHK GUI to show on Neutrons UI?
Gui, Add, Hotkey, x10 y10 w100 <--- this in HTML
Nah. HTML only has what it has as per standard. You have to code it yourself, or find an external lib that adds something similar (and pray it still supports IE11).
One idea is to add an ahk hotkey gui element right over where you want it to be. You can use neutron's hwnd
property which is also valid for ahk's gui commands:
Gui, % neutron.hWnd ":Add", Hotkey, x10 y10 w100
If your HTML has pages/tabs then it's up to you to figure out how to show\hide the hotkey control in concert with your html content, by adding event listeners that call the ahk
object etc. You probably also have to prevent your window from resizing, and your html content from scrolling, because you surely won't be able to scroll/reflow your ahk gui alongside the HTML as easily.