no, you could use both to connect theoretically.. but there is a hardware limitation in access point mode. There are multiple answers here with more detail https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/103892/can-rpi4-run-simultaneously-on-dual-band-wifi-2-4ghz-5ghz A work around:...
Got proof of that? CS2 version isn't for free use either, their license says you need to have owned it. (not that anyone cares) https://github.com/Gictorbit/illustratorCClinux/blob/master/scripts/illustratorSetup.sh#L68 certainly not their site nor...
There is no issue here, gomuks doesn't override your terminal settings. Like 99% of terminals.. to copy and paste you need to add a shift in there e.g.: shift+ctrl+c shift+ctrl+v
@dippas thanks for linking a stackoverflow that links to this thread...
Get video full length: ` ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 videofile.mkv ` Get video black bars and remove them. Useful if someone has.. black bars encoded into the...
Actually ignore that crap above you can extract ACTION frames (frames that have pixel movement, thus not black!) purely in ffmpeg https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#select_002c-aselect >value between 0 and 1 to indicate a...
@lastzero how fast is it now? I tested on a "hollywood movie" the 0.1 and 0.2 are almost instant All of my videos are h264 as well so it's very...
Technically there's no guarantee that even a 0.1 threshold would work if your video is extremely dark / black almost the entire thing. Somewhere I have videos of us exploring...
Since someone can upload a video that is just all 1 color and never changes, yes. If we guaranteed people would upload actual videos then we can guarantee 0.1 would...
What needs to be done to add this? @lastzero I feel bad for @StianOby and @axllent https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/issues/648 lol I can write this in like 15 minutes. Where is a video...