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Volumey copied to clipboard

Volume mixer that allows you to set up global hotkeys to control your Windows audio system.

Results 32 Volumey issues
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https://i.imgur.com/HzJc5KJ.jpeg F3 is for my monitor's speakers. When I set it up it works fine, but after a while, it stops working, while F4 still works. Then I remove it...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33186956/157802498-f1841a4d-2db5-4c99-a3a9-da4979d275a0.png) When the "Volume mixer" section is visible, there is no clickable way to switch output devices. If there was, it would allow us to hide the original sound icon...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33186956/157802612-1fd8b439-43e6-45af-95fe-d47c9d9d2483.png) Not sure what causes it, but the ability to switch between Volume mixer and Settings disappears. 🙁


![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33186956/157801222-541bf8c6-bfc3-453c-a79c-4c88e3c70601.png) I have my hotkeys set to something different than the default (F4) and while they are still functional, they are not reflected in the settings after a sign out...

I use a capture device to input my turntable in my computer so I can listen to vinyl records while working. However, I would like to have the possibility to...


Hello, I don't know if this is interesting for the developer team but there is a use-case with HeSuVi https://sourceforge.net/p/hesuvi/wiki/Help/ or similar software where it is important to be able...


I would like to be able to change the output device of each application through the UI. same as through System -> Sound -> App volume and device settings ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32214602/152000262-2c318d7f-2910-4adc-90cd-07da45852c4a.png)


Many closed applications show and remain duplicated in the list even after closed. Such as "audiodg" and "browser". "browser" is the worst, for duplicating three times. These applications won't disappear...

I use your program when playing games, but OSD notifications can't appear when the game window is active, so I want to choose the second monitor for this OSD notifications....
