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odML libraries
Currently when odml files without native ids are exported to RDF, all entities (`sections`, `properties`, etc.) are assigned with newly created ids. This can lead to duplicates, if the same...
Currently odml.Section() takes name, type, parent and definition. For me parent does not make sense here. Especially since odml.Property() does not have a parent args. Another thing: a Section object...
It would be great if the definition of an object is automatic set when an ontology reference is given. We could test this functionality with the [G-Node OEN]( which should...
With the separation of more complex odML tree structures from the odML terminology side to a template store side (cf. #136) we could also provide a function that loads an...
The repository attribute should be handled automatically and not manually. In the current implementation the repository can anyway only be used as an attribute in the generation function of a...
While preparing the new documentation I stumbled upon the functionality of terminology for Document and Section objects. Let me demonstrate the cumbersome aspects of the repository functionality for integrating terminologies...
As far as I understood, `repository` should return the actual used terminology-location (uri/url) of the odML object. Currently these attributes/functions behave in the following way (note: the code example is...
Section types are currently used as a classifier of sections independent of their hierarchical order, e.g.: the section "_UtahArray_", and the section "_TungstenElectrode_" could both have the section type "_recordingdevice_"...
Currently it is possible to filter for specific odML objects using the iter-functions with a lambda function, e.g.: ``` odmldoc.itersections(filter_func=lambda x:"SpikeSorting" or x.type=="spikesorting") odmldoc.iterproperties(filter_func=lambda"IsSpikeSorted") odmldoc.itervalues(filter_func=lambda x: x.dtype==odml.DType.boolean and...
We should discuss the structure of the doc package: Where to put the and example.odml as well as the xml scheme and stylesheet that correspond to the different odml...