On "Look Pretty", we could push the error code & description into the text of a brew and display it through the Share page - it would be a pretty...
This seems like a prime candidate to build a solution for #2049, then leverage that work to create an ErrorPage.
I think if we alter the brew save code to eliminate any empty strings from the `tags` array, then leave in the code to display tags, users will be able...
I've been having a quick poke around the code this afternoon... When the brew is retrieved, any `tags` value that is a string is converted to an empty array here...
It won't be affecting my testing on my local version, but maybe a clue: in GoogleActions, tags is a string and not handled with `.split` like `systems` is : https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery/blob/746e8f8a6accf9348c11636d0882442804c1296e/server/googleActions.js#L255
I think I may have found the issue, it looks like `tags` was still being defined as a string in `newPage.jsx`. I'm just bringing my fork up to the latest...
Alright, looks like the issue, such as it was, has already been resolved by the latest changes to NewPage.jsx getInitialState and componentDidMount. So future brews won't be affected by the...
That's what I've just been looking into... I've put in a `tags` array filter that eliminates empty strings immediately prior to updating an existing brew; this should also have the...
- How many brews ARE there that require updating? - Assuming that number is very close to 100%, this essentially resolves to "how many brews are there currently stored in...
> * [ ] Use v3 renderer It should be trivial to switch over to the v3 CSS - I'll have a quick look at it later today/tonight.