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#Mitmproxy Unable to decrypt https when using Mitmproxy
Mitmproxy:does not trust the proxy's certificate
Hello author, when using Mitmproxy, the problem of certificate pinning still cannot be solved. The following is the error reported when capturing the mobile app.
[23:21:54.726][] server connect api5-normal-c-lq.amemv.com:443 (
[23:21:54.916][] Client TLS handshake failed. The client does not trust the proxy's certificate for api5-normal-c-lq.amemv.com (OpenSSL Error([('SSL routines', 'ssl3_read_bytes', 'sslv3 alert certificate unknown')]))
[23:21:54.917][] client disconnect
[23:21:54.919][] server disconnect api5-normal-c-lq.amemv.com:443 (
[23:21:55.067][] client connect
[23:21:55.082][] client connect
[23:21:55.102][] server connect mssdk3-normal-hl.zijieapi.com:443 (
[23:21:55.104][] server connect api26-normal-lq.amemv.com:443 (
[23:21:55.133][] client disconnect
[23:21:55.134][] client disconnect
[23:21:55.138][] server disconnect live-cover.msstatic.com:80 (
[23:21:55.139][] server disconnect live-cover.msstatic.com:80 (
[23:21:55.150][] Client TLS handshake failed. The client does not trust the proxy's certificate for api26-normal-lq.amemv.com (OpenSSL Error([('SSL routines', 'ssl3_read_bytes', 'sslv3 alert certificate unknown')]))
Applications can include their own checks on top of what this module hooks. Also recent Android Versions added more stuff. So to look at this properly, which device, os version and application are you trying to analyse here?
Android7.0 in Xiaomi Phone,I use the app is DouYin!
Same issue with:
- Android 12 | codename S | API 31
- Running Google Pixel 4 on Emulator AVD
- Application Roli
mitmproxy log:
warn: [22:47:24.810][] Client TLS handshake failed. The client does not trust the proxy's certificate for roli.telkomsel.com (OpenSSL Error([('SSL routines', '', 'sslv3 alert certificate unknown')]))
for me the Roli app crashes because the list of pinned certs is empty when using https://github.com/httptoolkit/frida-android-unpinning/
Process crashed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: pins must start with 'sha256/' or 'sha1/': Pinned certificates for roli.telkomsel.com
need to dig deeper
thanks for your reply @yoshimo ! I will considering to learning the fundamental first to be able dig deeper into the problem