Screenshot-YouTube copied to clipboard
grab transcript since last screenshot
A very useful feature that would save a lot of time to anyone doing online learning for example:
- to grab the transcript and copy it together at once with the screenshot.
- text can be copied above or below the screenshot
- the transcript would be without the timestamps and line returns
- the transcript would be copied only from the last screenshot.
What do you mean by transcript? The subtitles?
I have also great interest in this. But for a more general use case. I just wanna incorporate the TimeSpamp (position) into the jpg file, as META DATA. Don't know how to go about... Sadly, I doubt that chrome let's you write accompanying MetaData for the screenshot file. I modded the script in a very nasty way, just extended the canvas size, and my desired data is printed onto it (as a bottom-side footer).
One idea was TamperMonkey's feature "GM_download", but I does not seem like it takes real meta data apart from a custom filename:
`GM_download(details), GM_download(url, name) Downloads a given URL to the local disk.
details can have the following attributes: url - the URL from where the data should be downloaded (required) name - the filename - for security reasons the file extension needs to be whitelisted at Tampermonkey's options page (required) headers - see GM_xmlhttpRequest for more details saveAs - boolean value, show a saveAs dialog onerror callback to be executed if this download ended up with an error onload callback to be executed if this download finished onprogress callback to be executed if this download made some progress ontimeout callback to be executed if this download failed due to a timeout The download argument of the onerror callback can have the following attributes: error - error reason not_enabled - the download feature isn't enabled by the user not_whitelisted - the requested file extension is not whitelisted not_permitted - the user enabled the download feature, but did not give the downloads permission not_supported - the download feature isn't supported by the browser/version not_succeeded - the download wasn't started or failed, the details attribute may provide more information details - detail about that error Returns an object with the following property: abort - function to be called to cancel this download
Depending on the download mode GM_info provides a property called downloadMode which is set to one of the following values: native, disabled or browser.`