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Mod Panel - Cata Project
Hey, after adding module and setup something we got this error
ERROR - 2023-05-04 02:21:41 --> Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE = 0 AND closedBy = 0' at line 1 - Invalid query: SELECT id AS id,playerGuid AS playerGuid,note AS description,createTime AS createTime,comment AS comment,closedBy AS closedBy FROM WHERE = 0 AND closedBy = 0
Our Emulator Code
defined('BASEPATH') or die('Silence is golden.');
* @package FusionCMS
* @version 6.x
* Abstraction layer for supporting different emulators
class Trinity_cata_rbac_soap implements Emulator
protected $config;
* Whether or not this emulator supports remote console
protected $hasConsole = true;
* Whether or not this emulator supports character stats
protected $hasStats = true;
* Console object
protected $console;
* Encryption
protected $encryption = 'SRP6';
protected $battlenet = true;
* Array of expansion ids and their corresponding names
protected $expansions = array(
3 => "Cataclysm",
2 => "WotLK",
1 => 'TBC',
0 => 'None'
* Array of table names
protected $tables = array(
'account' => 'account',
'account_access' => 'account_access',
'account_banned' => 'account_banned',
'ip_banned' => 'ip_banned',
'battlenet_accounts' => 'battlenet_accounts',
'characters' => 'characters',
'item_template' => 'item_template',
'character_stats' => 'character_stats',
'guild_member' => 'guild_member',
'guild' => 'guild',
'gm_ticket' => 'gm_tickets'
* Array of column names
protected $columns = array(
'account' => array(
'id' => 'id',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'sha_pass_hash',
'email' => 'email',
'joindate' => 'joindate',
'last_ip' => 'last_ip',
'last_login' => 'last_login',
'expansion' => 'expansion'
'account_access' => array(
'id' => 'AccountId',
'gmlevel' => 'SecurityLevel'
'account_banned' => array(
'id' => 'id',
'banreason' => 'banreason',
'active' => 'active',
'bandate' => 'bandate',
'unbandate' => 'unbandate',
'bannedby' => 'bannedby'
'battlenet_accounts' => array(
'id' => 'id',
'email' => 'email',
'sha_pass_hash' => 'sha_pass_hash',
'joindate' => 'joindate',
'last_ip' => 'last_ip',
'last_login' => 'last_login'
'ip_banned' => array(
'ip' => 'ip',
'bandate' => 'bandate',
'unbandate' => 'unbandate',
'bannedby' => 'bannedby',
'banreason' => 'banreason',
'characters' => array(
'guid' => 'guid',
'account' => 'account',
'name' => 'name',
'race' => 'race',
'class' => 'class',
'gender' => 'gender',
'level' => 'level',
'zone' => 'zone',
'online' => 'online',
'money' => 'money',
'totalKills' => 'totalKills',
'arenaPoints' => 'arenaPoints',
'totalHonorPoints' => 'totalHonorPoints',
'position_x' => 'position_x',
'position_y' => 'position_y',
'position_z' => 'position_z',
'orientation' => 'orientation',
'map' => 'map'
'item_template' => array(
'entry' => 'entry',
'name' => 'name',
'Quality' => 'Quality',
'InventoryType' => 'InventoryType',
'RequiredLevel' => 'RequiredLevel',
'ItemLevel' => 'ItemLevel',
'class' => 'class',
'subclass' => 'subclass'
'character_stats' => array(
'guid' => 'guid',
'maxhealth' => 'maxhealth',
'maxpower1' => 'maxpower1',
'maxpower2' => 'maxpower2',
'maxpower3' => 'maxpower3',
'maxpower4' => 'maxpower4',
'maxpower5' => 'maxpower5',
'strength' => 'strength',
'agility' => 'agility',
'stamina' => 'stamina',
'intellect' => 'intellect',
'armor' => 'armor',
'blockPct' => 'blockPct',
'dodgePct' => 'dodgePct',
'parryPct' => 'parryPct',
'critPct' => 'critPct',
'rangedCritPct' => 'rangedCritPct',
'spellCritPct' => 'spellCritPct',
'attackPower' => 'attackPower',
'spellPower' => 'spellPower',
'resilience' => 'resilience'
'guild' => array(
'guildid' => 'guildid',
'name' => 'name',
'leaderguid' => 'leaderguid'
'guild_member' => array(
'guildid' => 'guildid',
'guid' => 'guid'
'gm_tickets' => array(
'id' => 'id',
'playerGuid' => 'playerGuid',
'description'=> 'note',
'createTime' => 'createTime',
'comment' => 'comment',
'closedBy' => 'closedBy'
* Array of queries
protected $queries = array(
'get_ip_banned' => 'SELECT ip, bandate, bannedby, banreason, unbandate FROM ip_banned WHERE ip=? AND unbandate > ?',
'get_character' => 'SELECT * FROM characters WHERE guid=?',
'get_item' => 'SELECT entry, Flags, name, Quality, bonding, InventoryType, MaxDurability, armor, RequiredLevel, ItemLevel, class, subclass, dmg_min1, dmg_max1, dmg_type1, holy_res, fire_res, nature_res, frost_res, shadow_res, arcane_res, delay, socketColor_1, socketColor_2, socketColor_3, spellid_1, spellid_2, spellid_3, spellid_4, spellid_5, spelltrigger_1, spelltrigger_2, spelltrigger_3, spelltrigger_4, spelltrigger_5, displayid, stat_type1, stat_value1, stat_type2, stat_value2, stat_type3, stat_value3, stat_type4, stat_value4, stat_type5, stat_value5, stat_type6, stat_value6, stat_type7, stat_value7, stat_type8, stat_value8, stat_type9, stat_value9, stat_type10, stat_value10, stackable FROM item_template WHERE entry=?',
'get_rank' => 'SELECT AccountId id, SecurityLevel gmlevel, RealmID RealmID FROM account_access WHERE AccountId=?',
'get_banned' => 'SELECT id id, bandate bandate, bannedby bannedby, banreason banreason, active active FROM account_banned WHERE id=? AND active=1',
'get_account_id' => 'SELECT id id, username username, password password, email email, joindate joindate, last_ip last_ip, last_login last_login, expansion expansion FROM account WHERE id = ?',
'get_account' => 'SELECT id id, username username, password password, email email, joindate joindate, last_ip last_ip, last_login last_login, expansion expansion FROM account WHERE username = ?',
'get_charactername_by_guid' => 'SELECT name name FROM characters WHERE guid = ?',
'find_guilds' => 'SELECT g.guildid guildid, g.name name, COUNT(g_m.guid) GuildMemberCount, g.leaderguid leaderguid, c.name leaderName FROM guild g, guild_member g_m, characters c WHERE g.leaderguid = c.guid AND g_m.guildid = g.guildid AND g.name LIKE ? GROUP BY g.guildid',
'get_inventory_item' => 'SELECT slot slot, item item, itemEntry itemEntry FROM character_inventory, item_instance WHERE character_inventory.item = item_instance.guid AND character_inventory.slot >= 0 AND character_inventory.slot <= 18 AND character_inventory.guid=? AND character_inventory.bag=0',
'get_guild_members' => 'SELECT m.guildid guildid, m.guid guid, c.name name, c.race race, c.class class, c.gender gender, c.level level, m.rank member_rank, r.rname rname, r.rights rights FROM guild_member m JOIN guild_rank r ON m.guildid = r.guildid AND m.rank = r.rid JOIN characters c ON c.guid = m.guid WHERE m.guildid = ? ORDER BY r.rights DESC',
'get_guild' => 'SELECT guildid guildid, name guildName, leaderguid leaderguid, motd motd, createdate createdate FROM guild WHERE guildid = ?'
public function __construct($config)
$this->config = $config;
if (!extension_loaded('gmp')) { // make sure it's loaded
show_error('GMP extension is not enabled.');
* Get the name of a table
* @param String $name
* @return String
public function getTable($name)
if (!isset($this->tables[$name])) {
return null;
return $this->tables[$name];
* Get the name of a column
* @param String $table
* @param String $name
* @return String
public function getColumn($table, $name)
if (!isset($this->columns[$table][$name])) {
return null;
return $this->columns[$table][$name];
* Get a set of all columns
* @param String $name
* @return String
public function getAllColumns($table)
if (!isset($this->columns[$table])) {
return null;
return $this->columns[$table];
* Get a pre-defined query
* @param String $name
* @return String
public function getQuery($name)
if (!isset($this->queries[$name])) {
return null;
return $this->queries[$name];
* Expansion getter
* @return Array
public function getExpansions()
return $this->expansions;
* Get the name of an expansion by the id
* @param Int $id
* @return String
public function getExpansionName($id)
if (!isset($this->expansions[$id])) {
return null;
return $this->expansions[$id];
* Get the name of an expansion by the name
* @param String $name
* @return Int
public function getExpansionId($name)
return array_search($name, $this->expansions) ?: null;
* Whether or not console actions are enabled for this emulator
* @return Boolean
public function hasConsole()
return $this->hasConsole;
* Get encryption for this emulator
* @return String
public function encryption()
return $this->encryption;
* Whether or not emulator uses battlenet accounts
* @return Boolean
public function battlenet()
return $this->battlenet;
* Whether or not character stats are logged in the database
* @return Boolean
public function hasStats()
return $this->hasStats;
* Password encryption
public function encrypt($username, $password, $salt = null)
static::forge(); // once only
is_string($username) || $username = '';
is_string($password) || $password = '';
is_string($salt) || $salt = $this->salt($username);
// algorithm constants
$g = gmp_init(7);
$N = gmp_init('894B645E89E1535BBDAD5B8B290650530801B18EBFBF5E8FAB3C82872A3E9BB7', 16);
// calculate first then calculate the second hash; at last convert to integer (little-endian)
$h = gmp_import(sha1($salt . sha1(strtoupper($username . ':' . $password), true), true), 1, GMP_LSW_FIRST);
// convert back to byte array, within a 32 pad; remember zeros go on the end in little-endian
$verifier = str_pad(gmp_export(gmp_powm($g, $h, $N), 1, GMP_LSW_FIRST), 32, chr(0), STR_PAD_RIGHT);
return array(
"salt" => $salt,
"sha_pass_hash" => $verifier
* Password encryption for battlenet
public function encrypt2($email, $password)
if (!is_string($email)) {
$email = "";
if (!is_string($password)) {
$password = "";
$sha_pass_hash = strtoupper(bin2hex(strrev(hex2bin(strtoupper(hash("sha256", strtoupper(hash("sha256", strtoupper($email)) . ":" . strtoupper($password))))))));
return $sha_pass_hash;
* Fetches salt for the user or generates a new salt one and
* set it for them automatically if there is none.
* @param string $username [description]
* @return string [description]
//public function salt($username)
// static $salt;
// if (
// $saltUser = \CI::$APP->external_account_model->getConnection()->query(sprintf(
// 'SELECT TRIM("\0" FROM %s) FROM %s WHERE username = ?',
// column('account', 'salt'),
// table('account')
// ), [$username])->row_array()
// ) {
// $salt = $salt ?: current($saltUser); // get the stored salt
// if ($salt) { // if it exists
// return $salt;
// }
// }
// $salt = random_bytes(32);
// register_shutdown_function(function () use ($salt, $username) {
// \CI::$APP->external_account_model->getConnection()->query(sprintf(
// 'UPDATE %s SET %s = ? WHERE username = ?',
// table('account'),
// column('account', 'salt')
// ), [$salt, $username]);
// }); // ..saves the salt for the user before finishing the scripts
// return $salt;
* Send console command
* @param String $command
public function sendCommand($command)
* Send mail via ingame mail to a specific character
* @param String $character
* @param String $subject
* @param String $body
public function sendMail($character, $subject, $body)
$this->send(".send mail " . $character . " \"" . $subject . "\" \"" . $body . "\"");
* Send items via ingame mail to a specific character
* @param String $character
* @param String $subject
* @param String $body
* @param Array $items
public function sendItems($character, $subject, $body, $items)
$item_command = array();
$mail_id = 0;
$item_count = 0;
$item_stacks = array();
foreach ($items as $i) {
// Check if item has been added
if (!isset($item_stacks[$i['id']])) {
// Load the item row
$item_row = \CI::$APP->realms->getRealm($this->config['id'])->getWorld()->getItem($i['id']);
// Add the item to the stacks array
$item_stacks[$i['id']] = array(
'id' => $i['id'],
'count' => array(1),
'stack_id' => 0,
'max_count' => $item_row['stackable'],
// If stack is full
if ($item_stacks[$i['id']]['max_count'] == $item_stacks[$i['id']]['count'][$item_stacks[$i['id']]['stack_id']]) {
// Create a new stack
$item_stacks[$i['id']]['count'][$item_stacks[$i['id']]['stack_id']] = 0;
// Add one to the currently active stack
// Loop through all items
foreach ($item_stacks as $item) {
foreach ($item['count'] as $count) {
// Limit to 8 items per mail
if ($item_count > 8) {
// Reset item count
$item_count = 0;
// Queue a new mail
// Increase the item count
if (!isset($item_command[$mail_id])) {
$item_command[$mail_id] = '';
// Append the command
$item_command[$mail_id] .= ' ' . $item['id'] . ':' . $count;
// Send all the queued mails
for ($i = 0; $i <= $mail_id; $i++) {
// .send item
$this->send("send items " . $character . " \"" . $subject . "\" \"" . $body . "\"" . $item_command[$i]);
* Send a console command
* @param String $command
* @return Array
public function send($command)
$client = new SoapClient(null, array(
'location' => 'http://' . $this->config['hostname'] . ':' . $this->config['console_port'],
'uri' => 'urn:TC',
'login' => $this->config['console_username'],
'password' => $this->config['console_password'],
)); // ..opens a new socket to the server using the initial configs
try {
$client->executeCommand(new SoapParam($command, 'command'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Something went wrong! An administrator has been noticed and will send your order as soon as possible.<br/><br/>
<b>Error:</b> <br/>' . $e->getMessage()); // @note this isn't dev friendly and make impossible to catch errors
* Forges and patches everything that this emulator needs
* in order to work properly.
* @return [type] [description]
private static function forge()
if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'cache/data/srp6_account_model.cache')) {
} // already applied everything
'ALTER TABLE %s MODIFY %s binary(32) NULL',
column('account', 'salt')
)); // let the salt temporary be empty
if (!strpos($temp = file_get_contents(APPPATH . 'third_party/MX/Controller.php'), 'sha_pass_hash')) {
$temp = preg_replace('~^((\s+).+cookie\([\'"]fcms_password[\'"]\).+)~m', "$1
$2if($password && column('account', 'password') == 'sha_pass_hash') // emulator uses srp6 encryption
$2 \$password = urldecode(preg_replace('%.(?:fcms_password=([^;]+))?%', '\\$1', @\$_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE']));", $temp);
@file_put_contents(APPPATH . 'third_party/MX/Controller.php', $temp);
file_put_contents(APPPATH . 'cache/data/srp6_account_model.cache', null);