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FusionAuth simple install scripts. Copy, Paste, Code.
FusionAuth FastPath(tm) Install
Software should be easy to install, so we've provided you with some shortcuts to getting up and running.
Package Installs
macOS and Linux
Note: Elasticsearch is not installed by default. To install Elasticsearch supply -s
to the installer script.
- Install Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch provides enhanced search capability in FusionAuth. -
- Show the help text.
Environment variables:
- The location to install the zip. Defaults value is$PWD/fusionauth
. This value is ignored when installing Debian or RPM packages. -
- The version to install. Defaults to the latest stable version.
Download and install FusionAuth without Elasticsearch
sh -c "curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-install/master/install.sh | sh"
Download and install with Elasticsearch
sh -c "curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-install/master/install.sh | sh -s - -s"
NOTE: The Windows FastPath installation process does not currently work with FusionAuth version 1.37.0 and above. We are exploring supporting WSLv2 or Powershell runtimes. Stay tuned for updates.
Download and install FusionAuth without Elasticsearch
. { iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-install/master/install.ps1 } | iex; install
REM Optionally register the service with the following commands
cd fusionauth\fusionauth-app\apache-tomcat\bin
FusionAuthApp.exe /install
Download and install FusionAuth with Elasticsearch
. { iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-install/master/install.ps1 } | iex; install -includeSearch 1
REM Optionally register the service with the following commands
cd fusionauth\fusionauth-app\apache-tomcat\bin
FusionAuthApp.exe /install
If you run into an error, you may need to change your execution policy. Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -scope CurrentUser
Docker Compose
The reference docker-compose.yml defaults to use the database as the User search engine.
In order to install with Elasticsearch as the User search engine, include the reference docker-compose.override.yml.
Review our Docker Install Guide for additional assistance.
curl -o docker-compose.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-containers/master/docker/fusionauth/docker-compose.yml
# Uncomment the following line to install and configure Elasticsearch as the User search engine
# curl -o docker-compose.override.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-containers/master/docker/fusionauth/docker-compose.override.yml
curl -o .env https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-containers/master/docker/fusionauth/.env
docker-compose up
Docker Images
FusionAuth App (On Docker Hub)
docker pull fusionauth/fusionauth-app
When running FusionAuth in Docker with Elasticsearch as the User search engine, it is recommended to either connect to an external Elasticsearch service, or use the Docker images provided by Elasticsearch. See the reference docker-compose.yml
and docker-compose.override.yml
in the fusionauth-containers repository for an example in configuring Elasticsearch with FusionAuth.
The install scripts must be compatible with CentOS, Ubuntu, Windows and macOS.
Ubuntu, Centos, and Windows testing have been automated via vagrant, go to the respective directory and run vagrant up
. Once the VM has started you should be able to reach FusionAuth to perform any required testing. If you want to use a host machine database, the hosts IP address is
inside of the guest.
To test a system go to the related directory and run vagrant up
. You can then visit http://localhost:9011 in your systems browser (on the host) and see if FusionAuth started up properly.
macOS could potentially be tested the same way, but the vagrant boxes aren't legally allowed to be distributed this way, so you would have to make your own.