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[Game request] Unknown
Game name(s) 游戏的名称 Unknown
Status 状态 Select one of the following 选择下面的一项 Released WIP / Public demo Private Dead / Suspended
Links 链接 Unknown
Additional context 附加信息 Tried searching google and other image searching site for these games, to no success. If possible, maybe the Chinese contributors here can find them. Sorry for the inconvenience. Game 2 has been shown in bilibili, but I do not know if they were serious about it.
Game 1:
Game 2:
Game1 should be “Lost End / 遗失的终章” origin:
this game already exists
demo game
Game2 might be “Arknights / 明日方舟"
Ohh thank you for identifying this game.
Game2 might be “Arknights / 明日方舟" #358
Yeah, the character is from Arknights. However, the game itself is not Arknights.
It is Arknights related, however it is a "fangame"
I say "fangame" but I am not sure if it actually released, or was only a mock-up back when Arknight's CN was celebrating an event.
I checked the watermark of the pic, and @疯兔AD seems to be an artist, not a game maker. But you are right. it's a doujin game named 心动罗德岛, which is based on interactive videos.
Game Link:
The Issues talked about the doujin game. However, I don't know whether FGI will accept an interactive video game or not.
Infomation about 心动罗德岛 From:
策划:超想吃番茄、今天鸽子球咕咕了吗 统筹:超想吃番茄 文案统筹:北白川森乃 文案:北白川森乃、刺猬初七、超想吃番茄、今天鸽子球咕咕了吗 美术统筹:千里Rosth 美术:千里Rosth、马卡马卡啵、疯兔AD 配音工作室:海天工作室 配音统筹:月球人雅直 配音演员:陈昊天、淦子齐、于松涛、孙金龙、樊志昊 音频后期:凉狗配冷猫 视频后期:超想吃番茄、鱼与友遇乆、我是小竖
特别鸣谢:本作明日方舟 感谢Up主杨颜同学对本次企划的大力支持!
Game Link:
The Issues #234 talked about the doujin game. However, I don't know whether FGI will accept an interactive video game or not.
Thank you for your help. I guess it'll be up to debate on whether this can be accepted or not.
Only one game can be requested in an issue. If you want to request 心动罗德岛, please create separate issues.