auto-target copied to clipboard
auto lockon target heal, clean, dps in PVE and PVP (p92/p100/up to p115)
Auto-Target and finish your skill.
Not work in duel mode
- Complete lockon skill type config PVP PVE GVG
- Auto Heal (priest and mystic)
- Auto Pulled if your friend in airborne or knockback (priest)
- Auto Cleanse (mystic, work in raid)
- Auto Plugue remove enemy buff (priest, remove valk ragnarok and zerk unleash)
- Auto DPS
- PVP/GVG Priority debuff skill to enemy healer first
- PVP/GVG Auto put red arrow to enemy healer
- at on #enable
- at off #disable
- at reload #reload the config file
"enabled": true, #Enable / Disable this module
"markTarget": { #Mark target follow class number
"Alliance": { #read in Job / Class to get the number
"0": [], #0 = red arrow
"1": [], #1 = yellow arrow
"2": [] #2 = blue arrow
"Enemy": {
"0": [
"1": [],
"2": []
"skills": {
"4": { #Job / Class
"20": { #skill base id
... #read in skill info
Job / Class
0 = warrior 7 = mystic
1 = lancer 8 = reaper
2 = slayer 9 = gunner
3 = berserker 10 = brawler
4 = sorcerer 11 = ninja
5 = archer 12 = valkyrie
6 = priest
Skill Info
name: x #Skill name *can ignore this because it's only noted
target: [] #Read in Target Tags*
type: x #Read in Skill Type*
dist: x #Max skill distance
--- only lockon type ---
maxTarget: x #Max target skill can lock-on
lockSpeed: x #Speed for lock target *if ghost must increase this
castSpeed: x #Cast speed for auto cast *if ghost must increase this
autoCast: true/false #enable/disable auto cast
--- lock class ---
lockClass: [] #Lock-on target follow class
*Used when "enemy-class" and "member-class"
--- npc ---
lockNpc: [] #Lock-on npc follow format 'Id_HuntingZone'
*Used when "npc"
--- buff ---
inBuff: [] #Lock-on follow buff or ignore buff
*Used when "enemy-inbuff", "enemy-notbuff", "member-inbuff" and "member-notbuff"
--- heal ---
hpCutoff: x #Lock-on member lower x percant
*Used when "member-heal"
Skill Type
lockon #yes, you know this is lock-on skill
projectile #make projectile run to target *just some skill
projectile-spoof #make projectile instant attack *just some skill
Target Tags *Priority sort
boss #lock only Boss Type
npc #lock only NPC
npc-all #lock all npc near you *not recommend
enemy-healer #lock only enemy healer
enemy-class #lock only class in setting
enemy-inbuff #lock only enemy got buff
enemy-notbuff #lock only enemy not have buff
enemy-all #lock all enemy near you
member-healer #lock only alliance healer
member-class #lock only alliance class in setting
member-inbuff #lock only alliance got buff
member-notbuff #lock only alliance not have buff
member-stuck #lock only alliance in airbone or knockback
member-clean #lock only alliance who has debuff
member-heal #lock only alliance hp lower
member-all #lock all alliance near you
enemy = PVP Only, member = party or raid.
maxTarget is Follow your skill max target and glyph.
Please decrease and increase maxTarget by your self it's not auto detect.
Not working?
if your skill look like try to spam and can't cast goto your SP or PR config and disable that skill you want to auto-cast from this moudule
This module has more effect in PVP and PVE So i need to hide my code with encryption If you don't trust please leave from this P.S. YES IT'S FREE, THIS MODULE SLOW UPDATE BECAUSE I'M SO BUSY