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Compile Time RapidJSON: A compile time C++ header only JSON library without bloating yet another hand-crafted JSON parser based on RapidJSON.


(C)ompile (T)ime (R)apid(J)SON.

Many people out there have written compile time JSON libraries and bloat their own JSON parsers. This is the compile time JSON library which does not bloat yet another one.


  • Header only.
  • Provide reader API & writer API based on RapidJSON's writer API & SAX reader API.
  • High performance. See benchmark session below.
  • Type safe. Access to JSON object's properties are type-checked at compile time.
  • Allocation free parser. When using the reader API, no allocation happens besides memory needed by the JSON object.



Just copy the ctrj/ folder to your project.

Defining Schema

Here is an example from test/test_citm_catalogs.cpp:

#include "ctrj/schema.hpp"

namespace {
const char _areaNames[] = "areaNames";
const char _audienceSubCategoryNames[] = "audienceSubCategoryNames";
// other keys ...

using js_schema = ctrj::obj<
    ctrj::fld<_areaNames, ctrj::dyn_obj<ctrj::str>>,
    ctrj::fld<_audienceSubCategoryNames, ctrj::dyn_obj<ctrj::str>>,
    ctrj::fld<_blockNames, ctrj::dyn_obj<ctrj::str>>,
    ctrj::fld<_events, ctrj::dyn_obj<ctrj::obj<
        ctrj::fld<_description, ctrj::nul<ctrj::str>>,
        ctrj::fld<_id, ctrj::u64>,
        ctrj::fld<_subTopicIds, ctrj::arr<ctrj::u64>>,
        ctrj::fld<_subjectCode, ctrj::nul<ctrj::u64>>,
        ctrj::fld<_subtitle, ctrj::nul<ctrj::str>>,
        ctrj::fld<_topicIds, ctrj::arr<ctrj::u64>>
    ctrj::fld<_venueNames, ctrj::dyn_obj<ctrj::str>>

All supported schema elements are:

  • Primitive types:
    • ctrj::u64 for 64-bit unsigned integer,
    • ctrj::i64 for 64-bit signed integer,
    • ctrj::f64 for double,
    • ctrj::str for string,
    • ctrj::bol for boolean.
  • Compound types (all type parameters could be another compound type):
    • ctrj::arr<T> for array of type T,
    • ctrj::nul<T> for nullable type of type T,
    • ctrj::obj<ctrj::fld<K0, T0>, ctrj::fld<K1, T1>, ..., ctrj::fld<Kn, Tn>> for object with K0 property of type T0, K1 property of type T1, ..., Kn property of type Tn,
    • ctrj::dyn_obj<T> for object with dynamic keys, and all these keys point to value of type T.

Using JSON Objects

ctrj::val<T> represents a JSON object of schema T. After you create an instance of ctrj::val<T>, your IDE would guide you. JSON types are mapped into STL types.

Here is an example for the above schema:

#include "ctrj/value.hpp"

// schema definition

int main() {
  ctrj::val<js_schema> js{};

  js.get<_areaNames>().flds["some field"].str = "some value";
  auto &event = js.get<_events>().flds["some event"];
  event.get<_subTopicIds>().vec[0].u64 = 0xdeadbeef;
  // ...

Reading JSON

Here is an example for the above schema:

#include "ctrj/reader.hpp"

int main() {
  // ...
  using handler_t = ctrj::reader<js_schema, rapidjson::BaseReaderHandler,
  rapidjson::StringStream ss{content_c_str};
  rapidjson::Reader reader{};
  handler_t handler{js};
  reader.Parse(ss, handler);
  if (reader.HasParseError()) std::cout << "ERROR" << std::endl;
  // ...

Writing JSON

Here is an example for the above schema:

#include "ctrj/writer.hpp"

int main() {
  // ...
  rapidjson::StringBuffer buf{};
  rapidjson::Writer w{buf};
  std::cout << buf.GetString() << std::endl;
  // ...


Firstly, build this repo using cmake. Use Release build type please. To run some benchmark:

# benchmarking RapidJSON's Document::Parse
./test_bench_rj 1000 path/to/ctrj/data/citm_catalog.json
# benchmarking CTRJ's parse & validate
./test_citm_catalogs 1000 path/to/ctrj/data/citm_catalog.json

Usually CTRJ achieves about 70%~80% of the throughput of RapidJSON. Please note that, RapidJSON's benchmark does NOT include validation of schema.