discord-group-spammer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
discord-group-spammer copied to clipboard

You need to run all_together.py and follow the instructions on the readme below. This Tool allows you to use various discord exploits for educational use.


Important News:

Because most of the options got patched by Discord (more info below) i will start to implement more Tools that should be undetected by discord. You can expect Tools like Guild and DM Spammer, Guild spam joiner and more. You also can suggest me some things on the issue tab. It would be nice to get more ideas what you guys like me to implement. Thank u for the patience <3

The Member Adder got "patched" (Discord added 30+ Seconds ratelimit per 10 Groups. Currently working on a Bypass - 01.12.2021) The Program is still working the only issue is, that after adding a user to 10 Groups, it needs to wait about 30 Seconds (ratelimit) earlier the API endpoint not had any ratelimit. Its still useful if the Victrim is offline and dont notice it so he cant block you.

Discord made a bad desicion with the ratelimit, which trigger me rly hard thus i picked up on this project and work on proxy support, multi account support & more. You will be able to put UserIDs in a tectdocument which is used then. you will be able to defne how much groups it should create per account and how much friend request it should send to how much IDs per Account. After that's done the script will be sexy again. Good Luck with the current version tho


  • Edit config.json with your discord account token and the imagepath (if its in the same location as the all_together.py file you only need to type cool.jpg)
  • Run all_together.py (do not run code you not aware of. you can look in the sourcecode to see, that i not implemented anything that cause harm to your pc)
  • All required modules will be automatically installed so there is no need to install them manually like you needed to do in the older versions
  • Make sure to email and phoneverify your account. for email you can use outlook or a catch all mail with custom domain. Use https://5sim.net for phoneverification
  • Let the group maker run for a day or two so can get around 3k groups

How to run without the need of downloading any files:

  • Go to https://repl.it and create a account.
  • Login with github on repl.it
  • Fork this repo so you see it on your account
  • Create a new repl and choose the forked repo
  • Setup the config.json and run the tool.
  • Use Uptimerobot to ping your repl every 5 Minutes to keep it running 24/7


  • Use it with vpn if you have bad proxies. discord will disable accounts if used bad ones
  • You only can add users to Groups if they are friend with you and not blocked you.


Mass Group Creator: grafik

Mass User adding to Group: tNDLAfxM