SwiftSH copied to clipboard
Does this work with Xcode 11 and Catalina?
I cannot get the example to build very nicely
In general/frameworks remove the SwiftSH.framework and add it back in. That will get the project building. You should also make the edit mentioned in the PR here: https://github.com/Frugghi/SwiftSH/pull/28
It works, I tested this using Xcode 11.2.1 (latest). If you're using Carthage, you have to use the master branch though. In your Cartfile
, use: github "Frugghi/SwiftSH" "master"
@jandolina @arguiot Is this library used with Objective-C or Swift? Because after installing the Podfile, when I tried importing it in my Swift ViewController, I got the error "Could not build Objective-C Module 'SwiftSH'". Please let me know how to use this library? Thanks in advance!