MISST copied to clipboard
Sound keeps going high and low
After I process a track and play it, it is very quiet and then gets VERY loud randomly through the whole track. Sounds the same after export. Tried multiple models. All do the same.
I used the exe to set up and did not download cuda.
Thank you for letting me know. Would you mind providing both the MISST.log file as well as the audio file you intended to separate? This should allow me to attempt to replicate and solve the issue you encountered.
You bet, I tried two different files. I will attach the smaller one that was mp3. The other one was a wav file but much larger and longer.
Thank you! I will do some testing tonight and get back to you.
As far as I can tell MISST is working perfectly and I believe you might be referring to the 3 second fade-in fade-out I added to the MISSTplayer class but it does apply to the actual file so the first three seconds of any audio you play will start at 0 and go to the audios original volume over 3 seconds. If this is a problem for you I will consider adding a setting in MISST to disable fade-in and out on audio to provide more customization. I realize now it was not a very smart decision to apply the fade directly on the files after processing. Thank you for your feedback! (If this is not what you were referring to and the audio is having random volume drops and bumps I will immediately look into it more carefully)
I am going to attached the exported file from Misst so you can hear what i am hearing. Brook benton rainy nightmisst export.zip
Should remove program and reinstall? Does the cuda have anything to do with it? What model were you using if you dont mind me asking?
I uninstalled program and reinstalled. I also downloaded the cuda version this time. Still doing the same thing. Thanks.
Hi, thank you for letting me know that this issue is persisting. As I wasn't able to recreate this issue on my machine yesterday, I will be testing on a VM replicating the info within your MISST.log file and try to get a fix out as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. I should be able to begin looking into it at ~5pm PST.
I have the same problem. Added the "other" track from one of the songs i tried this out on. Had to keep it to one part of the track to have space for git, but it should show the problem clear enough. Almost seems to be happening in a rythm for certain types of sounds. Added the logg file as well.
Hi, same problem here, on Windows 10.
Same problem here, Win 11