FOSTwitterBundle copied to clipboard
OAuth still using 1.0 api URLs even though they are deprecated
Perhaps I am missing something but the kertz/twitteroauth library this bundle uses is still using the twitter 1.0 api calls. These stopped working as of today.
The original abraham/twitteroauth library is updated (the kertz fork no longer seems to be maintained). Is it possible to switch to that?
Running into some issues after the twitter API was disabled - any suggested fixes?
My temporary fix was to edit twitteroauth.php and update the URL. Its fixed on abraham/twitteroauth
Same for me, just did that. Thanks!
works for me too, thx
I'm suggesting to deprecate this bundle altogether in favor of HWIOAuthBundle.
FOSTwitterBundle implements 2 features only:
- OAuth 1 login for Twitter (supported by HWIOAuthBundle as any other OAuth 1 or 2 provider)
- TwitterAnywhere login (which has been shutdown by Twitter)
@stof advice you to use HWIOAuthBundle instead of FOSTwitterBundle + kertz/twitteroauth ?
yes I do
If you don't want to change the two bundles, a dirty fix is to add a line in your TwitterProvider's __construct() :
$this->twitter_oauth->host = '';
But as you said, they are not longer supported so, we are better of with another bundle. =/