FOSJsRoutingBundle copied to clipboard
Empty routes
Symfony 4.0.8 All cache cleared. Followed steps
I do not have routing.yaml
in config/, it is replaced with routes.xml
. It does not accept resource parameter for route. Ok. Created routing.yaml
, only for this package with single entry point
resource: "@FOSJsRoutingBundle/Resources/config/routing/routing.xml"
registered bundle, added fos_js_routing.yaml in config/packages/ folder.
FOS\JsRoutingBundle\FOSJsRoutingBundle::class => ['all' => true],
# router: my_router_service
# All are optional, defaults shown
public: false # can be true (public) or false (private)
maxage: null # integer value, e.g. 300
smaxage: null # integer value, e.g. 300
expires: null # anything that can be fed to "new \DateTime($expires)", e.g. "5 minutes"
vary: [] # string or array, e.g. "Cookie" or [ Cookie, Accept ]
linked files
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/fosjsrouting/js/router.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/fos_js_routes.js') }}"></script> // tried also this way
<script src="{{ path('fos_js_routing_js', { callback: 'fos.Router.setData' }) }}"></script>
dumping php bin/console fos:js-routing:dump or generatined with flex .json file are empty
parameters XML
<parameter key=""></parameter>
<parameter key="router.request_context.scheme">https</parameter>
Why so? What im doing wrong
Did you expose your routes ?
I to have empty routres ! What do you mean expose ? I do not see anywhere in the documentation telling that you need to expose your routes
I do not remember, removed package and developed own -_ - Maybe will try someday again.
Same here. fos_js_routes.json just returns with
I do not have routing.yaml in config/, it is replaced with routes.xml. It does not accept resource parameter for rout
XML also supports importing other resources:
Think I find the solution:
Ok, I think I found the problem. Here it is:
Checking how the FOSJsRoutingBundle works, I found the ExposedRoutesExtractor.php , that checks if "isRouteExposed" on "getRoutes()" method.
I found that I needed to expose my routes by setting the 'exposed' = true option on the @Route, like this:
* @Route("/bse/pessoa/findByNome/{str}", name="bse_pessoa_findByNome", methods={"GET"}, options = { "expose" = true })
public function findByNome($str = null)
But, even after that, FOSJsRoutingBundle continues not showing anyone.
In this Issue they said that routes defined by annotations (FOSRest routes???) was not caught by this ExposedRoutesExtractor, only if they were exposed in yaml.
So I dit it. On config/routes/annotations.yaml I added:
controllers: resource: ../../src/Controller/ type: annotation options: expose: true
php bin/console fos:js-routing:debug now shows all my routes.
Thanks @carlospauluk for finding this!
I had the same issue. However, bin/console fos:js-routing:debug
was showing me the annotation exposed route already, but calling Routing.generate()
resulted in an error.
With that static config approach it works. Which is a bummer, because now all routes are exposed by default. But I can live with that :)
Did you expose your routes ?
Is it possible to expose routes while using yaml for routing definitions?
key is unsupported in YamlFileLoader.
Did you expose your routes ?
Is it possible to expose routes while using yaml for routing definitions?
key is unsupported in YamlFileLoader.
Yes it is, like this :
path: /path/{argument}
controller: App\Controller\YourController::yourAction
expose: true
Did you expose your routes ?
Is it possible to expose routes while using yaml for routing definitions?
key is unsupported in YamlFileLoader.Yes it is, like this :
your_route_name: path: /path/{argument} controller: App\Controller\YourController::yourAction options: expose: true
Thank you, my Google-Fu failed on me and couldn't find a single thing in the docs :)
I'm successfully exposing specific routes through their annotation:
@Route("/example", name="example", options={"expose"=true})
Perhaps that means the issue @carlospauluk described is solved?
I think the documentation needs to put more emphasis on the need to expose the routes, and the many ways to do it, right before Generating URIs.
Maybe you forgot to dump the newly exposed routes ? I overlooked this after exposing a route.
Symfony Flex
bin/console fos:js-routing:dump --format=json --target=public/js/fos_js_routes.json