FOSFacebookBundle copied to clipboard
Cannot get User as entity
I am trying to use the FOSUserBundle together with FOSFacebookBundle to authenticate users via FB. Symfony reports the user as authenticated with the FB user-id and $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser() also returns the user id but as Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller->getUser() calls for $user to be an object, everything else fails.
I have followed the docs but in my FacebookProvider the loadUserByUsername method is not called at every request (I am not sure if it should be called).
Also I am not declaring the provider in the firewall section as when I do I get redirected to the /login which is an unhandled, non-existing route (when I've tried to declare it in the routing I still get an exception).
Also the user doesn't have any role or any other related info, it's practically just a string representing the facebook userid of the logged-in user.
id: my.fb.user
# since anonymous is allowed users will not be forced to login
pattern: ^/.*
app_url: ""
server_url: ""
login_path: /loginFB
check_path: /login_check
default_target_path: /
\# provider: my_facebook_provider
anonymous: true
handlers: ["fos_facebook.logout_handler"]
resource: "@WebicksMutteryBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
resource: .
type: assetic
pattern: /login_check
pattern: /logout
pattern: /loginFB
class: Webicks\MutteryBundle\Security\User\Provider\FacebookProvider
facebook: "@fos_facebook.api"
userManager: "@fos_user.user_manager"
validator: "@validator"
container: "@service_container"
This issue is solved?
i have the same problem! did you get the answer?
I have the same question.
Take an example of a user named JAMES. If James from my web logs with facebook everything works correctly, he can use all the functionalities for a user, but if James logged into facebook and go to my site, he is not recognized as a user of the application
All functionalities of dependende app.user {% if%} for example not working.
Login button recognizes James but nothing else.
Someone knows how to fix this?
I have the same problem. Have someone found a solution?
I found the problem in my code. I've forgotten provider in firewalls: firewalls: main: pattern: ^/ fos_facebook: provider: fos_facebook_provider #Problem
After add provider everything seems to be fine.