nightmode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nightmode copied to clipboard

FoF Night Mode blocks CSS from Wordpress Flarum comments embeded Iframe

Open hrvoje-hr opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Bug Report

Current Behavior When FoF Night Mode is enabled, it causes issues to CSS from Flarum Wordpress Integration embeds comments iframe. Custom CSS from that extension doesn't work anymore.

When FoF Night Mode is disabled, CSS from Flarum Wordpress Integration works as expected

Expected Behavior Custom CSS from Flarum Wordpress Integration shouldn't cause issues with embedded iframes.

Screenshots With FoF Night mode disabled (and custom CSS from extension applied)

With FoF Night mode enabled:


  • Flarum version: 1.6
  • Extension version: 1.5.1
  • Website URL: doesn't apply, FoF Night Mode is disabled in the production because of this server
  • Webserver: [e.g. apache, nginx]
  • Hosting environment: VPS
  • PHP version: 7.4.30
  • Browser: All browsers
Flarum core 1.6.2
PHP version: 7.4.30
MySQL version: 5.5.5-10.4.20-MariaDB-1:10.4.20+maria~buster-log
Loaded extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, pcntl, Reflection, SPL, session, standard, sodium, mysqlnd, PDO, xml, apcu, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dba, dom, enchant, mbstring, FFI, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, iconv, igbinary, imagick, imap, intl, json, exif, mongodb, msgpack, mysqli, odbc, pdo_dblib, PDO_Firebird, pdo_mysql, PDO_ODBC, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, apc, posix, readline, redis, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sqlite3, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, tokenizer, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, Phar, memcached, ionCube Loader, Zend OPcache
| Flarum Extensions             |         |        |
| ID                            | Version | Commit |
| flarum-flags                  | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-approval               | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-tags                   | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-suspend                | v1.6.1  |        |
| askvortsov-auto-moderator     | v0.1.2  |        |
| flarum-markdown               | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-lock                   | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-subscriptions          | v1.6.1  |        |
| fof-byobu                     | 1.1.7   |        |
| flarum-likes                  | v1.6.1  |        |
| zerosonesfun-member           | 1.2     |        |
| zerosonesfun-direct-links     | 3.1     |        |
| v17development-user-badges    | v1.1.0  |        |
| v17development-seo            | v1.8.0  |        |
| therealsujitk-gifs            | v4.1.1  |        |
| the-turk-flamoji              | 1.0.4   |        |
| sycho-profile-cover           | v1.3.3  |        |
| sycho-move-posts              | v0.1.7  |        |
| nearata-remove-pane           | v2.0.1  |        |
| nearata-cakeday               | v2.1.0  |        |
| matteocontrini-imgur-upload   | v3.9.1  |        |
| kilowhat-wordpress            | 1.7.5   |        |
| ianm-syndication              | 1.2.2   |        |
| fof-webhooks                  | 1.1.1   |        |
| fof-user-bio                  | 1.1.1   |        |
| fof-socialprofile             | 1.1.4   |        |
| fof-sitemap                   | 1.0.3   |        |
| fof-reactions                 | 1.1.3   |        |
| fof-profile-image-crop        | 1.1.0   |        |
| fof-pretty-mail               | 1.1.1   |        |
| fof-polls                     | 1.3.0   |        |
| fof-merge-discussions         | 1.3.1   |        |
| fof-links                     | 1.1.2   |        |
| fof-linguist                  | 1.0.4   |        |
| fof-ignore-users              | 1.1.0   |        |
| fof-gamification              | 1.6.2   |        |
| fof-formatting                | 1.0.2   |        |
| fof-follow-tags               | 1.1.7   |        |
| fof-drafts                    | 1.2.0   |        |
| fof-bbcode-details            | 1.1.0   |        |
| flarum-sticky                 | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-statistics             | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-pusher                 | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-mentions               | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-lang-english           | v1.6.0  |        |
| flarum-emoji                  | v1.6.1  |        |
| flarum-bbcode                 | v1.6.0  |        |
| ecnu-im-sticky-sidenav        | v1.1.0  |        |
| davwheat-inline-group-badges  | 1.0.0   |        |
| datlechin-silent-edit         | v0.1.0  |        |
| datitisev-post-galleries      | 1.0.0   |        |
| darkle-fancybox               | 1.1.2   |        |
| clarkwinkelmann-author-change | 1.0.3   |        |
| askvortsov-rich-text          | v2.1.7  |        |
| askvortsov-pwa                | v3.1.3  |        |
| askvortsov-moderator-warnings | v0.6.1  |        |
| antoinefr-money               | v1.2.0  |        |
| acpl-mobile-tab               | 1.1.1   |        |

Installation path: /home/
Queue driver: sync
Session driver: file
Mail driver: smtp
Debug mode: off

Additional Context Previously, on FoF Night Mode 1.2.2 with Flarum 1.3 everything worked great.

hrvoje-hr avatar Dec 02 '22 11:12 hrvoje-hr