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Column type of related field fetched from the wrong table

Open asgraf opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

I created simple app with 2 tables: Users and UserRoles UserRoles table has 3 collumns: id (int), user_id (int) and role (custom EnumType)

In my AppView.php i have added:

    function (string $field, $value, EntityInterface $context, array $options): string {
        return $this->element('enum', compact('value', 'field', 'context', 'options'));

Now when i visit https://localhost/admin/user-roles/view/1 Enum is field rendered correctly But when i try visit https://localhost/admin/users/view/1 I get following exception: Object of class App\Model\Enum\Role could not be converted to string

After debugging i think i found the core of the issue. Problem is inside schema method:

CrudViewHelper.php:393, CrudView\View\Helper\CrudViewHelper->schema()
CrudViewHelper.php:175, CrudView\View\Helper\CrudViewHelper->columnType('role')
CrudViewHelper.php:126, CrudView\View\Helper\CrudViewHelper->introspect('role', {App\Model\Entity\UserRole}, ['formatter' => null])
CrudViewHelper.php:97, CrudView\View\Helper\CrudViewHelper->process('role', {App\Model\Entity\UserRole}, [])
has_many.php:51, include()

When process function is called current context is set to App\Model\Entity\UserRole entity here. But when later CrudViewHelper->schema() is called this context is completely ignored and schema of current table App\Model\Table\UsersTable is used instead of App\Model\Table\UserRolesTable schema Since role field does not exists in App\Model\Table\UsersTable $type will became null. Since $type is null script will fallback to calling formatString('role', {\App\Model\Enum\Role}). Inside formatString string cast will cause Object of class App\Model\Enum\Role could not be converted to string excepion mentioned earlier

My current work around fix to replace schema() method: With following contents:

public function schema(): TableSchemaInterface
    return TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get($this->getContext()->getSource())->getSchema();

But i have mixed feelings with using table locator inside helper.

asgraf avatar Dec 30 '22 18:12 asgraf