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Add Cipher.doFinal hook by default (Feature request)
This is a feature request, not a bug. Fortunately, probably easy to add :)
I recommend you add by default hooks for Cipher.doFinal
, and that in the hook, you show the input byte array argument and in the output, the returned byte array.
This is very helpful to view encrypted/decrypted data :)
- would probably be interesting also to have a hook for
For example this is my updated hook to show the byte array containing a key:
var cls_e993875f544b941d768726a3a29599b5 = Java.use('javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec');
var meth_24275db9d75101d1dc0a116d9893fea2 = cls_e993875f544b941d768726a3a29599b5.$init.overload('[B','java.lang.String');
meth_24275db9d75101d1dc0a116d9893fea2.implementation = function(arg0,arg1) {
send({ id:"ZWRkMzg1ODU0OGJkM2EwOWI0ZTBjMzBjNjE3YmZkYmY=", msg:"javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec.<init>(<byte>[]<java.lang.String>)<void>", data:{arg0:arg0, arg1:arg1,}, action:"None before", after:false });
var ret = , arg0,arg1);
send({ id:"ZWRkMzg1ODU0OGJkM2EwOWI0ZTBjMzBjNjE3YmZkYmY=", msg:"javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec.<init>(<byte>[]<java.lang.String>)<void>", data:{}, action:"None before", after:true });
return ret;