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how to add sponsor channel link in server config?
how we can add our sponsor link to vpn
this is my question too. can anyone help us with it?
Same request here.. Need this feature so much!
I have no idea how sponsored channel works, if anyone knows please let me know and I will update the code.
yeah thats my question too now there are lots of proxies with sponserd channel nobody knows how to add it?
@FreedomPrevails I've searched allot, however no clues on how to make it happen What tutorial you used to make the proxy? Doesn't it have anything about sponsored channels? I need it so much ...
After running proxy on your server, you must register your server in MTProxy Admin Bot (@MTProxybot). It is an official bot from telegram and you can set promotion channel in this bot.
@FreedomPrevails Its now completely clear how to add sponsored channel to the proxy, However, your source code does not support "TAG" variable. Is it possible for you to implement it ASAP? I would appreciate that
https://github.com/alexbers/mtprotoproxy/commit/fee5a0c05ae855d97e12a46253e4ad50395df17c - here added advertisment in Python. Maybe it will be easier to read it from python code than from the C code
Hi please update soruce and add TAG for @MTProxybot
This src best for windows servers JSMTProxy
@FreedomPrevails please Update for TAG
hi sir do you have any plan for adding TAG feature ?
Take a look at MTProtoProxy-npm or MTProtoProxy-github. Using the npm package you can add sponsor channel.