JSMTProxy copied to clipboard
Telegram X Android problem
Tnx , This really works well on Windows Server 2008 but my proxy gets error on Telegram X android
Telegram Android and Telegram Desktop are OK Problem is Telegram X Android (new version supports mtproto)
Whats Solution?
I've checked. problem exist. i'll add manually other ips of telegram to the codes but didn't work.
i have same problem with telegram x android. i cant connect to jsmtproxy! please update JSMTProxy to new version.
The problem resolved in my new fork https://github.com/masterprogrammer513/JSMTProxy
your fork didnt work on any client not connected on telegram,telegram x,telegram desktop
@ea1234567 There is 13 connected client online There is no problem in this code
@cinohee but im sure you forgot something plz check codes again tnx
This is my server
My friend also run on centos7 x64 without any problem
Please check firewall and user config
@ea1234567 check my new version file I increased timeout to 30 sec again
i checked again new version not connected can you check codes? :( @cinohee
when i use FreedomPrevails/JSMTProxy all of clients are ok (except telegram x) but when i use your fork all of clients get error i cheked again and again (atleast 5 times) @cinohee @FreedomPrevails
This commit has the right idea - you just need to pass the protocol tag (either 0xef 0xef 0xef 0xef
or 0xee 0xee 0xee 0xee
) to the Telegram servers to make the proxy work.
@K900 can you copy past codes here? i dont uderstand
I'm not familiar enough with JS to rewrite the code. If you just want a working solution, try this - I've implemented similar changes there and can confirm it works on multiple devices.
@K900 i have windows server
The Python version of the proxy should run just fine on Windows, including my fork of it. Also, this is horribly off-topic for this repository.
@K900 its need docker i have only 1 core cpu and 1gb ram
It does not need Docker, running the script manually works just fine.
@ea1234567 do you just replace new code with old one? Could you give me remote address team viewer or etc?
@K900 really? its very good do you have any manuals or guide about how run this script on windows?
I can help you run it, but you'll have to contact me on Telegram: t.me/k900x. I'm not going to spam this unrelated issue any more.
@ea1234567 do you use my config for user manager? This code manage user to avoid multiple login with one server based on IP. You could set unlimited or limited connection
@cinohee this is my anydesk id: 461457966 anydesk is portable software like team viewer (only 2mb size) can you connect to my pc?
@ea1234567 add all file in my fork to avoid any problem Contact me telegram secger.js config.json
can't start your version @masterprogrammer513
on starting it hangs on loop and after few moments stops.
@titancomputer You need all of files I created Copy hole git
@masterprogrammer513 i've copied the full clone of your files.
didn't start at all.
@titancomputer i found there is bug in config file there is one simicolon more. download new config file and retest
@masterprogrammer513 yes, what a bug! app gets start but telegram x android didn't work with your codes too. all other clients do OK.
@titancomputer please attention just telegeram X beta work with mtproto Please update to latest beta version If use unlimite : false only ine ip could connect to server set it into true I test with telegramX beta latest version on blue stack without any problem and my friend test on windows mobile version of Telegram Change secret code to new code and retest
@masterprogrammer513 i know that, i've got last version beta of telegram x on play store, works with proxies that made with MTProxy but didn't work on your codes or @FreedomPrevails
tested many secret, make no difference. is secret may changes anything? how we can get a OK secret?