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High Performance NodeJS MTProto Proxy

Results 41 JSMTProxy issues
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Hi in windows server 2016 i have a problem help me please... ![WhatsApp Image 2022-02-24 at 8 57 58 AM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29298471/155465673-1372a02c-a82b-494e-bcf1-d28da9802925.jpeg)

hi good time can i add multiple secret in same port? { "port":443, "secret":"00000000000000000000000000000000","11112222333344445555666677778888", } 3 years ago I managed to do this and work proxy But now, every time...

i do manual step by step an then get this error ` PM2 | Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, uv_cwd PM2 | at Object.resolve (path.js:1077:24) PM2 | at...

``` 1|mtproxy | SHORT ON IDLE SERVER CONNECTIONS! dcId: 4 1|mtproxy | SHORT ON IDLE SERVER CONNECTIONS! dcId: 4 1|mtproxy | SHORT ON IDLE SERVER CONNECTIONS! dcId: 4 1|mtproxy |...

how can i add multiple port for different users

Hi, In standard version if you start the secret with dd, it does a random padding on the client side! However, this does not work on this script! I use...

Hi. What is -i max parameter? Please explain about it. Thank you

Please say how to fully remove JSMTProxy?

Hi Unfortunately, all proxies fail to detect the state using the packet size of the protocol Please advise how to resize the secret code so that the package cannot be...