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reset selected filters after search
Pull Request Type
- [ ] Bugfix
- [x] Feature Implementation
- [ ] Documentation
- [ ] Other
Related issue
closes #1693
- Apply filters, You must have a red border that shows filter(s) are selected
- Then search for a term in the search box and choose any option from autosuggestion dropdown
- After selecting autosuggested options, Filters must be reset to default options.
- The red border from the filter icon will be removed
I tested with these steps and failed
- Enter something, enter search result via enter/search button
- Change filter options
- Press search button again
- Search result not updated but filter reset
@PikachuEXE I'm attaching a test video with the mentioned steps and cannot replicate the issue. Please share similar so I can fix it ASAP and the same happens in YouTube (as I feel we're taking references from there). Like even if we hit search for the same query it resets the filter.
Not sure, If we've a different requirement here.
@PikachuEXE I've implemented a check, not to reset filter for the same query.
Filter not applied when:
- Application starts
- apply labels
- enter query
- hit search
Thanks for the review.
It reset filters under strange conditions (e.g. like changing filter below
Probably like
- Search A
- Enter B
- Try to set multiple criteria
@PikachuEXE this is not a bug but intended behavior. There is how YT also behaves. In your example Time Today resets because you clicked on Type Channel. Time is based on upload date. A channel cant have a upload date.
This pull request has conflicts, please resolve those before we can evaluate the pull request.
Conflicts have been resolved. A maintainer will review the pull request shortly.
@jasonhenriquez can we get this reviewed now?