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wiki for FreeJoy project
In the wiki it’s says that SPI SCK is common for TLE50xx and Shift register. Does that mean that I should set SPI SCK on B3 in the Pin Config...
Hello, I ordered a STM32103C8 but instead they sent me a STM32103C6 which is 32 Kb memory only, so I can't flash the firmware, because it's big for this it's...
Hello The image in the wiki regarding TLE5011 configuration indicates the data pin is connected to SPI-MOSI I believe this is incorrect, as the bluepill (master) , listens to...
Hi, I am confused about how to connect the hat switch to the board ? the VRX, VRY and SW? Where do they connect ?
Hi I was thinking of using the STM32F411 board, will this be vastly different ? Or will it be mostly the same ?
Hi, Not an issue, more of a request. Would it be possible to compile this for a STM32F401CCU6 It has a USB-C connector instead of the micro usb on blue...
Hello, Not an issue just a quick question. From my previous experience with button matrix and diodes, the diode arrow points away from the switch. But in your diagrams it...
Hi, can you connect the PL9823-F5 leds in series, if you have to follow the diagram in the Wiki or is there another way to connect them? I am attaching...
Hi there, is there an option to configure a button to trigger every x timeunits while holding it down or even encapsulate a certain action while holding down? My target...
Looking at the wiki and in the configurator, I am fairly certain that I can not do this.. But I'll ask in case I missed somthing. Is it possible to...