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software problem or mounting pot problem?
I managed to convert the g29 pedal board to usb, by connecting the potentiometers directly to the stm32 board, before closing the top cover I tested it and I didn't have that kind of oscillation that you see in the video of the axis scroll bar. any opinion? I hope I was clear in explaining the problem, in game I have no problems, at least for what little I was able to try
why do you have a packet speed of 1ms? these are debug packages only for configurator and should be 16 ms
I had no major problems before the change even at 1 ms, do you think that is the problem? Wouldn't it have better speed performance at 1ms?
Wouldn't it have better speed performance at 1ms?
No. Controller sends 2 types of packets, first for OS(you can edit exchange period in adv. settings) and second for configurator. These are debug packages for configurator only. Configurator is refreshed no more than once every 17ms.
do you think that is the problem?
I don't see a problem in the video if you mean noise
note that holding the pedal down, the bar has a kind of slight wobble and the values do not remain stable and fixed, at least they were in the way the potentiometers were originally connected
it is noise. I already answered
It's normal but less noise in original configuration...I take the question as closed... thanks for help
Sorry if I have reopen, it can be help for noise this solution?
Or this solution
this can help. Logitech G25
so a capacitor each line (accelerator, brake and clutch)?
I do not understand where to position the capacitor ... apart from that I do not understand how this problem can arise if the problem did not appear before closing and gluing the board with hot glue
Capacitors and digital filters should give you quite similar results. Have you tried to add filter levels for axes? Capacitor or digital filter should be applied to every axis that you want to be smoother.
the problem did not appear before closing and gluing the board with hot glue
this seem to be some kind of shielding issue. Keep your wires as short as possible, use twisted pair cable and prevent gnd and pwr circuits from looping
Capacitors and digital filters should give you quite similar results. Have you tried to add filter levels for axes? Capacitor or digital filter should be applied to every axis that you want to be smoother.
the problem did not appear before closing and gluing the board with hot glue
this seem to be some kind of shielding issue. Keep your wires as short as possible, use twisted pair cable and prevent gnd and pwr circuits from looping
the capacitors must be placed on each axis ground, which capacitors to use? polymers or multilayer or other? I will have made the cables 30 cm long to be able to get to a comfortable point inside the pedal box case, are they cables with silicone sheath, maybe that holding them close, are 3 wires for potentiometer can create electromagnetic interference?
Ceramic capacitors should be fine. Value is dependent of the resistance of your pots and can be determined by formula for low pass filter
Have 10k pot
Have 10k pot
In this case 0.1-1uF capacitor should be ok for you. Note that filter will work in different way at different positions of pot because cut frequency is determined by formula f=1/(2 * pi * R * C)
It's good thing use ferrite for EMI?
is it possible that this problem is due to the fact that each potentiometer is connected to a different 3.3 volt line?