> Did you try the BufferFileSizeLimitBytes option? My understanding is that the BufferFileSizeLimitBytes only impacts how much the offline buffer is allowed to grow? I think the problem is related...
@karthi89msc We haven't found any workaround besides limiting the size of our logentries. But since we log bus-messages and http bodies we will loose some logentries. Someday (when there is...
@hendorog Yeah I noticed that to, but the advertising on the website is still not changed. There are lot of gaps in the historical data as well, even for data...
I asked for a refund as well, **twice**... but they just ignore my refund request.
@benjineering No money back. Not even a feedback/response/reply even though I re-sent my request. Its a pure SCAM
It is sad to see that 8 months later there is still issues with split adjusted data, some tickers are adjusted and some are not. All my backtrading algoritms are...
Well, if you notice my "documentation states" snippet above you will see that the documentation states that you should input "1h" but as you mention in your sample code, you...