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Class library covering all vk API methods. Originally generated using API JSON schema, compiled under .NET Standard 1.1
Current VK Api version: 5.116
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The library is delivered via NuGet Package Manager:
Install-Package VkApi.Wrapper
If you are targeting .NET Core, use the following command:
dotnet add package VkApi.Wrapper
Getting Started
To run most API methods you need to pass an access_token, a special access key. Token is a string of digits and latin characters and may refer to a user, community or application itself. There are several ways to get an access_token, VkLibrary supports DirectAuth and OAuth.
Getting Application ID
The first thing you need to do in order to get application id and access token is to register a VK application. Go to my apps section and select "Create an application". After you'r done with it, you will find app id and client secret code in application's settings section. More detailed instructions can be found here.
Initializing the library
Initialize the library using your application id.
var vk = new Vkontakte(1234567);
Authentication using OAuth
As we already know, most methods require a valid access token. To get that token using OAuth, show a WebView-like control to a user, navigate him to authentication page and handle future redirects. More info can be found in official docs.
Here is a small instruction on how to get things done using UWP. Imagine we have a XAML-declared WebView control named BrowserView. Firstly we build an OAuth url and launch it using preffered ScopeSettings. Secondly we navigate our WebView control to url we've just built:
var url = vk.OAuth.GetAuthUrl(ScopeSettings.CanAccessMessages | ScopeSettings.CanAccessOffline, AuthDisplayType.Mobile);
BrowserView.Navigate(new Uri(url));
Then we subscribe to WebView's navigation starting event and try to parse WebView's url when user is being redirected.
void OnNavigationStarting(WebView sender, EventArgs args)
var result = vk.OAuth.ParseResponseUrl(args.Uri);
if (result?.IsSuccess == true)
// We are authenticated! Let's save the token.
vk.AccessToken = result.AccessToken;
So VkLibrary will sign all future requests using AccessToken stored in AccessToken property.
Authentication using an existing access token
If you'd like to use an existing access token to authenticate a user, just use AccessToken.FromString method:
vk.AccessToken = AccessToken.FromString(accessTokenString);
Authentication using Direct Auth
If you are developing an application that was approved by vk administration, you can use Direct Auth extensions. Note that in this case you need to set your application's secret code (also known as client_secret). Do the following to authorize a user and to get an AccessToken:
vk.AccessToken = await vk.DirectAuth.Login("login", "pass", ScopeSettings.CanAccessWhatever);
Calling API Methods
All API methods are listed here.
Returns a list of current user's friends by invoking friends.get API method:
var friends = await vk.Friends.Get();
Returns a sequence of vk users containing only one user, whose id is 210700286, using Nom. name case:
var users = await vk.Users.Get(
userIds: new[] { "210700286" },
fields: new[] { "photo_50", "city", "verified" },
nameCase: "Nom"
Returns last 10 messages from a conversation with user, whose id is 12345.
var messages = await vk.Messages.GetHistory(userId: "12345", count: 10);
Sends a message to a user. Returns 1 if OK, 0 if not OK.
var ok = await vk.Messages.Send(userId: "12345", message: "Hey! What's up?");
Invoking RequestAsync<TResponse>
If you find an API method that VkLibrary does not support (this is unlikely, but may happen), use GetAsync method.
var friends = await vk.RequestAsync<ApiItemsResponse<UserFull>>(
"friends.get", new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "userId", "1234567" },
{ "count", "10" }
The code above is equivalent to:
var friends = await vk.Friends.Get(userId: 1234567, count: 10);
Executing Scripts
API provides an ability to execute code on vk servers. Such code should be written in VkScript, a language similar to ActionScript or JavaScript, and end with a return %expression% statement.
If we send this kind of execute request:
var script = "return [API.users.isAppUser(), API.friends.get()];";
var result = await vk.Execute<JToken>(script);
The server will answer with a similar response:
[1, {
"count": 5,
"items": [12345678, 87654321, 12345679, 97654321, 01012345]
Uploading Files
VkLibrary has a helpers section containing methods for photos, videos, audios and documents uploading. This section is called UploadHelper. Here are some examples on how to use these helpers.
Document Uploading Example
var server = await vk.Docs.GetUploadServer();
var response = await vk.UploadHelper.UploadDocument(
server.UploadUrl, // Server url received using GetUploadServer
"Document.docx", // Document name
bytes // Bytes representing the document
var document = await vk.Docs.Save(
response.File, // File received on previous step
"My document!", // Document name
"usefull, stuff" // Tags separated by comas
Photo for Messages Uploading Example
var uploadServer = await App.vk.Photos.GetMessagesUploadServer();
var uploadResponse = await App.vk.UploadHelper.UploadMessagesPhoto(
uploadServer.UploadUrl, file.Name, bytes
var uploadResult = await App.vk.Photos.Save(
Generic PostAsync<T>
If there are no POST methods in UploadHelper that can suite you, use generic ones: PostAsync<T> or PostMultipleAsync<T>.
Uploads multiple photos to vk servers using PostMultipleAsync method.
var response = await vk.UploadHelper.PostMultipleAsync<PhotoUploadResponse>(new Uri(url), files);
Uploads a document to vk servers using PostAsync method.
var response = await vk.UploadHelper.PostAsync<DocUploadResponse>(new Uri(url), bytes, "file", fileName);
Processing Captcha
If any action (e.g. sending a message) is performed too frequently, an API request may return "Captcha needed" error. After that a user needs to enter a code from the image and resend a request with a Captcha code input in the request parameters.
Error code: 14
Error text: Captcha needed
See official docs for more detailed info
Understanding Exception Handling
VkLibrary provides an ability to process API captcha errors. When VK servers return a captcha error, VkLibrary throws an ApiException. ApiException holds an ApiError object that contains such fields as Code and ErrorMessage. So, when this type of exception is thrown, we should catch it and check ApiError code. If it equals 14, than we will need to process the captcha.
try {
// Invoke any library method
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
var apiError = apiException.GetApiError();
if (apiError.Code == 14) {
// Hey! Captcha needed!
var captchaSid = apiError.CaptchaSid;
var captchaUrl = apiError.CaptchaImg;
Processing Captcha
To handle this kind of exception we should invoke SetCaptchaForNextRequest library method and pass CaptchaSid and user's answer CaptchaKey to it. So you we need to write something like this:
// Show captcha to a user and store results in 'captchaKey'
vk.SetCaptchaForNextRequest(captchaSid, captchaKey);
Working with LongPoll Server
Long polling is a technology that allows the receiving of information about new events with the help of "long requests". The server receives the request but it doesn't immediately send the answer but rather when some event will happen (for example, receiving a new incoming message), or waiting period is over. Learn more about how VK's LongPoll server works on it's documentation page.
VkLibrary provides a simple event-based wrapper to work with the LongPoll server in an easy way. This wrapper is named LongPollClient and is located in VkApi.Wrapper.LongPolling.User namespace. Let's learn how it works.
Starting a Long Poll Client
Firstly we need to get new long poll server parameters from API. Then we need to start a long poll client to work with.
var longPollParams = await vk.Messages.GetLongPollServer();
var longPollClient = vk.StartUserLongPollClient(
longPollParams.Server, // Server received on previous step
longPollParams.Key, // Secret session key
longPollParams.Ts, // Event number
Working with Events
Our long poll client is now ready to notify us when new vk events take place. A list of all available events can be found here. Subscribing to events is easy and familiar. Let's subscribe to FriendOnlineEvent to be notified when friends launch vk applications:
longPollClient.FriendOnlineEvent += (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine(
$"Friend with id {args.Item1} is now online! He uses {args.Item2} platform."
Info about all available events with description can be found here.
Stopping and Disposing
If we don't need our long poll client anymore, we should stop it.
Extended Scenarios
VkLibrary also contains additional extended constructors, using them you can customize almost everything.
var api = new Vkontakte(
appId: 1234567,
appSecret: "fb4f44tbuyh5k",
apiVersion: "5.63",
requestMethod: RequestMethod.Get,
parseJson: ParseJson.FromString
ParseJson option determines how the library should parse JSONs received from VK servers.
- ParseJson.FromString: loads JSON into a string, logs it using default logger and only after that deserializes. Use this for testing purposes only due to potential high memory usage and performance issues;
- ParseJson.FromStream: to minimize memory usage and the number of strings allocated in memory, JSON.NET supports deserializing objects directly from a stream. Use this option in production for better performance.
RequestMethod determines which request method should be used when sending queries to Vkontakte API. GET option is generally a good choice for testing and debugging as GET queries are easy to read and understand. But when sending large objects to VK API servers consider using POST option, otherwise you'll receive "414 URI Too Long" error.
There may be some cases when you would like to customize default HttpService implementation. To do this, simply implement IHttpService interface and pass your new class instance to VkLibrary.Core via an extended constructor. The same thing you can do with a default logger, you'll need an ILogger interface. Default implementations of ILogger and IHttpService are DefaultLogger and DefaultHttpService respectively.
class CustomLogger : ILogger { /* implementation */ }
class CustomHttpService : IHttpService { /* implementation */ }
var api = new Vkontakte(1234567, string.Empty, new CustomHttpService(), new CustomLogger());
Other .NET languages
For F# Developers
VkLibrary can also be used with F# programming language! Use TaskBuilder.fs to improve your code quality.
task {
use lib = new Vkontakte(1234567, "your_secret_code")
let! friends = lib.Friends.Get()
let! users = lib.Users.Get()
F# gives us an ability to create annonymous interface implementations! Using this feature you can write code like this and inject a custom logger into VkLibrary.Core:
let logger = { new ILogger with member __.Log o = printfn "%A" o }
use api = new Vkontakte(1234567, "your_secret_code", logger = logger)
For Visual Basic Developers
Using VkLibrary with Visual Basic is pretty much the same as using it with C#.
Dim vk = new Vkontakte(12345, String.Empty)
Dim response = Await vk.Friends.Get(userId := 12345, count := 10)