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Native c++ modding for MCBE for building client side mods
Does anyone have any experience with auto generated c++ documentation? It could be nice to get some basic stuff up, things I'm looking for: - being able to stick examples...
We currently just support builds using `relwithdebinfo`, afai tested others don't quite work that well. We should suppor others as well
My near term goals for the amethyst project is to overhall mod management within Amethyst Launcher - Versions of runtime should be available to be downloaded through amethyst launcher -...
this is especially useful for allowing to reload the input system in hot-reloads this is currently not possible due to the input handlers being registered on world join
Mods should be able to load behavior and resource packs into the game. Preferably being able to also specify things as global resources, with the files being stored specifically in...
It could be interesting to allow users to easily make server side mods in the same source as their client side mods, since I am moving the project in the...