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REQUEST: Keybind Additions
1: playlist show/hide toggle (right wing) 2: controls show/hide toggle (left wing) 3: show/hide both wings toggle (will if one missing, show all, then hide all) 4: show/hide heatmap 5: show/hide script-view 6: show/hide possition popcicle 7: fullscreen hide all/fullscreen reveal last setup 8: window maximize/restore toggle 9: skip small/med/lag forward and back with settings screen to program small/med/large times (5,20,60)-defaults
additions to original list, also part of other issues. A: mini control on/off toggle button B: delete active video to trash/recycle (no confirm, or confirm option in settings somewhere)
Sure, most of those sound easy
I think item 7 now exists indirectly by having seperate memories from full screen and regular player modes, and b is addressed in #149 & #171