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Add author contribution list to bottom of each page
Long term goal: On the bottom of each page, render a list of the users who have commits on the master branch with edits to the file that makes each page.
I can do the API call in R to get what I want at least, but how/where to get the information but how to get the same info via Liquid/or in-page API call and get it to render a list of names?
# Get the list of commits on the page "".
out <-content(GET(url = "", config = list(authenticate(gitusername, gittoken))))
unique(sapply(out, function(x) x$commit$author$name))
I'm also not finding a good example of this out in the google-world. If someone knows how to do this or finds good help, post it here.
I think this could be tricky. It could also really bulk up the pages. wikimedia has a special tab for this sort of thing. There is a sample here:
which could likely be modified for used. There are two links we could provide that may get us to done without a lot of work. The history file for the file:
and this link:
Which likely could be included in the file
This would be a fun thing to do sometime. We may want (?) to filter out all users who are no longer part of the FredHutch org in GitHub.