I am a new user and am trying to get the tasker/autotools setup and have a problem connecting to autotools from tasker. I think! Anyway here is the log I am getting. Any idea what can be causing this. I have gone through the settings a couple of times but assume I am still missing something. Any help appreciated.
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: SortArrayKey: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: JsonRootVariable: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: SortArrayObjectKey: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: MatchField: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: MatchValue: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: VariableName: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: MaxResults: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: Max: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: Min: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: Sum: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: Query: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: JoinOutputArray: replace String value with null
09.38.11/ActionArgBundle key: Average: replace String value with null
09.38.11/E FIRE PLUGIN: AutoTools Json Read / com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.action.FIRE_SETTING: 29 bundle keys
09.38.11/E AutoTools Json Read: plugin comp: com.joaomgcd.autotools/com.joaomgcd.autotools.broadcastreceiver.IntentServiceFire
09.38.11/E add wait type Plugin1 time 60
09.38.11/E add wait type Plugin1 done
09.38.11/E handlePluginFinish: taskExeID: 1 result 3
09.38.11/E pending result code
09.38.11/E add wait task
09.38.11/E Error: 119026865
09.38.11/E java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/