> take one or more seeds (e.g. the start date), and expand those seeds by applying parts of the given expression so that the set of candidate dates grow Regarding...
Anything new about this issue? I am using rpi3/stretch with ssd instead of sd-card and oh2.3.0 meanwhile, but time based cron rules still are stopping every few days!
Any news here? My openHAB cloud connection went down yesterday several times. Now since 24 hrs it does not come up anymore. Nothing helped: not a restart of my openHAB...
Started working for me again after I changed uuid and secret. Maybe I caused some trouble with these settings during my several attempts to restart the bundle. Sorry!
The error results from the the super().__init__ call in DuofernStick() which results in a call of object.__init__. The __init__(*args, **kwargs) function of an object only checks that no(!) parameters were...