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Wrong css selector in calendarEvents.vue
I guess, the class selectors should be "horizontal" and "vertical" instead of "horizontalLayout" and "verticalLayout". In purified css the current selectors are skipped, hence the eventRange line is not shown.
in calendarView, I use:
<div class="content" :class="[ PERIOD[view]+'View', viewLayout[view]+'Layout' ]">
I understand that some css purifiers may mark horizontalLayout and verticalLayout as unused.
Tell me if there is a way to declare horizontalLayout and verticalLayout as "generated from an expression"
I don't treat myself as an expert in this field, but if I add ".view" (e.g. .calendar .view .horizontalLayout .eventRange) in calenderEvents.vue, it seems to work. Same problem with "monthView" class selector btw.
which css purifier do you use ?
purify-css ( I'm using vue-boilerplate for PWA and Quasar for responsive design. Don't know, which brought it in.